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Hey thank you guys for 3k reads! It means a lot and now to the chapter.
Time Steve's point of view
I finished explaining to them what was happing with Sabre and they seemed shock. I waited for them to respond.
"And you didn't tell us sooner?!" Galaxy Steve said to me in anger and frustration.
"You should of believed me and Sabre in the first place!"
"That doesn't mean you should of told us!" Alex screams back at me. I sighed.
"This isn't the time. We need to go-"
"And find Sabre."
"No... we aren't going to find him." They looked at me with shock. I gave them the compass.
"We need to find his dragon."
"Why? Doesn't he need to be their?"
"If that was true then he wouldn't of given me that."
"What if he doesn't know!"
"Well then we will have to see what happens." Alex looks at me frustrated. I was about say something when Galaxy Steve asked me something.
"Where do we go?"
"Where the compass is pointing?"
"But it's pointing in toe directions."
"What?" I looked at him and he handed me the compass and pointed to the mountains and it potions their, but as I moved around it points in a different direction.
"It is?" I said out loud.
"If his dragon is connected to him maybe it's pointing to him too?"
"When me and Sabre we following the compass it lead us to the mountains so that's where we are going."
"Should we see if he is nearby first?" Galaxy Steve asked me and I nodded.
"I guess we are going to find Sabre first... I hope he isn't to mad about it." I just hope he is nearby. As much as I want to see him I know he needs me to find his dragon first, but I guess it doesn't hurt to check. With that we were on our way.
Sabre's Point of view
The sun was up high and I was a little tired. I'll rest later. I need to find the mountains. I climbed some trees when the sun started to rise and I couldn't see any mountains, but I do know where to go now. I noticed how using my flames doesn't speed up my process which gives me another way to protect myself. I still felt like someone was watching me, but I've gotten used to the feeling by now. I had my mask off and my hood down because it felt nice to me. I can feel scales grow on my back already. I just hope the wings don't come in soon. If it was anything like how my horns felt I don't think I could handle it. Shaking my thoughts away I kept walking.
Soon the day was coming to an end and their was still no sign of the mountains. I knew that I wouldn't make it in time if just kept doing this and I would have a better chance if I just teleported... but I don't know how bad it would be for me or how quickly it would speed up my process. I guess I will figure I will figure that out. I focused on my energy thinking of a place I would remember that is close enough. I though it the cave me and Time Steve stayed at. I closed my eyes and used my magic and I was their.
I immediately felt my energy drain and used the wall for support. That means I was really far away from here. A few seconds later I felt the scales grow on my back quickly and I waited for it to stop, but it wouldn't.
"Please stop please stop." I muttered until the scales finally stoped growing. I sat down again the cave and sighed with relief. Nothing else feels off so I think I'm good. I felt tired from the energy drain so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
(Word 691) Sorry for the super short chapter today I didn't have much I wanted to write about so I am sorry, I hope you like the chapter anyways.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now