My New life

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Sabre's point of view
I finally was able to hide from those people chasing me through town. I watched them passed me thankful they did feel my dark cold energy as they ran by. I looked at myself and sighed. I wore a black and green striped mon sleeve shirt and black pants. I wore back leather gloves that went past my risks. My cloak was black and faded to a dark green. I had a silver ring that looked like two dragons and a dark crystal center. I wears black mask that made it so you could never see my neck or skin. I pained it black and made a green x mark over my face. I had holes in my mask, but my blindfold made it were others couldn't see my eyes or any part of my face. My cloak went over my head so people couldn't see my hair. I was 5"9 which is three inches taller then my past life. I also was in a littler stronger then I was in my past life too. My past life it didn't show that much. but in this life it definitely does. I waited until I was sure no one else was around and started to go back to my destination. A potion shop. I felt the flares from other people as I walked by. I went into the shop. A lot of people were inside and looked at the thousands of glowing potions in the room. I walked up to the person in charge, he gave me a death glare, but I didn't care.
"What do you want." I got out a note book and wrote down. Tracking potion and the strongest healing potion you can give me.
"Alright. That will be 120." 120?
"Yeah. 50 for the tracking and 60 for our strongest healing potion." I don't have that kind of money left... Do you need supplies? If you do give me the potions after I get all the supplies you need for the next month. He thought about it for a bit.
"Sure, I'll write it down, but you need to give me all the supplies by tomorrow." I nodded understanding. I suddenly felt the familiar growth on my neck and coughed violently, it took me a while to stop. He gave me another look and handed me to note. I looked at it.
20 glistering melons
64 spider eyes
18 magma cream
54 sugar
19 blaze powder
3 ghast tears
64 Redstone dust
8 rabbits foots
10 sheep horns
20 fox tails
Looks like I get to have another all nighter. I nod and took the note.
"Good luck. Cursed magic person... what's your name?" Ciar (Sire)
"Okay Ciar." I walked out of the shop and went through the streets. The stares of others were killing me. I should be used to it by now, but I'm not. Since I have Shadow magic the energy can be felt by anyone. My Shadow's energy. I have this shadow.... I bumped into someone small and I fell over. I got up from the ground and saw Lo'Pho. I knew him. I've see him around, and I think he hates me.
"Sorry-" I cut myself off and sighed. It finally happened. I've been waiting for it to happen. I help the brown cat human up.
"Thank you." He said suspiciously. More death glares. I nodded. He didn't say anything else so I walked away his glare following me as I left. I went into the forest and looked around. Their was no one around and I didn't feel like I was being watched again. I started to hunt for the animals I needed. I guess I could also see the meat from them for more money... I looked around and saw a few rabbits. I stay quiet I get out my sword. It was a shadow sword made from my magic and can cut through dragon scales. I attacked each rabbit killing them. In the end I got 12 rabbit foots. Above what I needed, but maybe he will like that. I cleaned up to blood and thanked the rabbits for letting me kill them before going back to the trail and looking for the other things in me list. It's going to be a long night.
-few hours later-
It was already dark, but I didn't mind. I looked around and already got a lot of the materials I needed for the shop owner. I found a small lake to take break for a few minutes. I looked down at the water and took off my mask.
Black scales grew on my neck. The reason why I can't speak normally now. Next will be the eyes, horns, hands, wings, tail.... all the stages of turning into a dragon. My Dragon is dying and because of the bond we share I will take his place. The only way to stop it is to heal him. The only problem is that I can't find him. He's been gone for months long before his happened. I have to find him before it's too late.... I miss them... I miss them too much...
"I can help you."
"Shut up Shadow." I said in draconic.
"I know where he is. I just need your control."
"For forever? I don't think so."
"You won't find them in time." I winched a little, I miss Time Steve.. I've been in this world for 24 years. I haven't seen him or anyone else. I want to go back... but I can't... not right now at least.
"I will. Don't worry about it."
"It's only going to get worse Sabre, I can help you."
"No! Now stop talking to me." Thankfully he did. The silence felt good. I looked at my reflection one more time before getting my hood back on. I sighed then went back to work.
(Words 1003) You got to see Sabre's side of the story and I hope this makes sense to you.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now