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Sabre's point of view
I looked around and found us close to the mountain. It was dark outside, but we didn't have time to rest. Not now at least.
"Let's go in the tunnels. It will be faster." Void Steve said. We all agree and go into the cave and I felt a burst of energy. My power is strengthen by shadows. Not darkness like night, but shadows. I'm the strongest during solar eclipses.
While walking through the cave the compass got more direct telling us we were close. I was using my flames to light the way. I sighed and start waking following the compass that has gotten a lot more direct. I kept following it until I felt like something was off. Really off.
I put my hand up in the air telling Void Steve and Time Steve to stop.
"What is it?" I heard Time Steve ask and I shrug my shoulders. I go deeper in, but they try to follow me. I look at them and shake my head.
"We can't come?" I nod. They understood and stay back as I went deeper into this section of the cave. I walked deeper as I felt a dark energy fill the room. I know this feeling. I know who this is. I run faster and see my dragon. My dragon.... he's here.... and he....
Isn't okay.
I rush to him as I felt the puddle of blood on the ground. He was a really big dragon so it makes sense to me. He was covered in deep cuts and by the looks of it he hasn't eaten since he left.
"Alterous? Master?" I ask. He calls me pupil and I call him master. It's just something we do.
"My pupil. It's great to see you." He says weakly. He lifts his head a little and I could see his glowing green eyes.
"How did this happen?"
"I had to protect them. It's more important then my life."
"That's means I'm turning into a dragon though."
"I know and I'm sorry. I know you wanted your Friends to find you and take you home."
"They are already here..." He sighed knowing that this wasn't the best time for it.
"Their has to be something I can do....."
"You used your healing potion on your mate. You know you don't have any more on you."
I sighed and start to think. Think about how I could save him before he dies. A thought comes to mind, but it's risky. Really risky. I sigh heavily. I have to... lets hope this is done fast enough. I teleport away.
I look around and quickly head to the potion shop. I felt a pain fill my body. Using my magic speeds up the process. I know I don't have enough time or money to get the potion. So I have to steal it. I go into the potion and act causes ignoring the pain inside of me as I grab the strongest healing potion I could get. The store taker looks at me. I go over and put all the money I had on the table.
"That isn't enough." I sighs as. Teleport away back to my dragon. He looks at me with worry.
"My pupil. You stole?"
"I had-" the pain suddenly increased immensely as I felt my bones break. I fall the the ground. My time is up. I felt Alterous weakly wrap his tail around me. Trying to comfort me as he starts to die. I can't move as I feel my body slowly shift, twist and grow. I heard footsteps and saw Time Steve.
"Sabre!" He runs to me, but Alterous growls at him.
"H....he's my boyfriend...." I mutter in pain.
Time Steve picks up the potion and nervously goes to Alterous who is now calm and still. He gives Alterous the potion....
Everything is quiet.
Then I felt it....
Hey I wanted to thank you guys for the support and being so patient. I just lost me writing Spirt and I hope with this chapter coming out things will go back to normal with my witting schedule. I will definitely try.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now