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(Blood and Gore warning)
D.S's point of view
Finally. I'm in control. No one can stop me now. I look at Toler and walk up to him.
"What are you-" I didn't dare let him finish as I made a large dark spike shoot up from the ground Toler jumps back and I grow another one from the ground. It for straight through the center of his back and he coughs up blood. I watched him lay helpless in the air as he slowly starts to die from suffocation and blood loss. That's not enough though.
I reach my hand out to him and flames burn through him. He screams out of pain and I don't even Flinch. His death needs to be a painful one. Fire and spikes are the best way to do that. He keeps screaming in pain until he stops I don't stop burning him though until he was just ash in the wind. The spikes disappeared and I looked to his friends ready to fight when Sabre started fighting for control again.
"I let you kill Toler you can't hurt anyone else!"
"No I'm going to do something worse then that." I go over to Time Steve his disgusting boyfriend and I had to make a choice. Let him die or live. I took out the healing potion.
"Don't do it Sabre... you need to use it for your dragon." He was definitely dying and close to death. They won't have enough time to save him with something else.
"If you use that potion we might not be able to save your dragon." Void Steve said and I nod understanding.
I can either let Time Steve die and have Sabre broken enough to where I can control him, but that means the others will use this potion on his dragon which will make it impossible for me to fight for control.
I can let Time Steve live, but with his dragon dead I will be able to get full control forever. Of course Sabre will be fighting and get control again now, but I will have control later.
"Don't let him die please... I can't."
"I know you can't Sabre. Either way your doomed."
"I'm not doomed! I will find a way to save both of them!"
"You won't." I look at the potion again and then at Time Steve. I'll just kill him later. I give Time Steve the healing potion. It was hard to give it to him, but he soon drank it and his stab wound healed. Sabre was really trying to get control again. I suddenly felt Time Steve kiss me. Absolutely disgusting. Just from that I let Sabre have control.
Sabre's point of view
I got control again mid kiss and I kissed back crying.
"Sabre?.... oh no don't tell me he got control." I nod and Time Steve hugs me.
"He got control. That means it might happen again." Void Steve said. I looked over at Galaxy Steve to see a mix of relief and panic. I couldn't really care since I was scared. scared he would get control again and I wouldn't be able to do anything.
"It's okay Sabre. It's okay." Time Steve and comforting me which worked as I calmed down.
"Guys. Elemental Steve is calling for help." Galaxy Steve said as we looked at him.
"They are being attacked and we need to go and help." I nod.
"We can't. Sabre might not have enough time."
"I don't even think we can fix him Time Steve, we used the only healing potion we had on us." Time Steve looked at me and I nod saying it was okay.
"Alright let's go."

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now