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Hey guys! Just wanted to thank again Kinddawnfox for the art above. It's freakin adorable. Yes this is the second art she has done for me, but I don't care still shout out like always. Now let's go check on the others!
Rainbow Steve's point of view
We have been walking for a few days now. Hypno Steve and Blue Steve fought each other for the entire day yesterday. So today I'm going to fix that! Just need to think of something. Right now we were in camp Hypno Steve was still asleep it was just me and Blue Steve.
"Do you think we are close?" Blue Steve asked me.
"I hope so. We have been walking for a while now."
"Yeah, and Hypno Steve is getting annoying."
"He isn't."
"How are you not bothered by him?"
"I just don't let him and we became friends in the spirit world."
"Oh right..." Their was a long pause.
"How long were you their?"
"I don't know... me and Light Steve were fight Demon Steve for at least a few months until I got captured. After that time didn't seem to exist it just kept going." I hug Blue Steve tightly I saw a red blush for on his face and he hugged back.
"At least your back now!"
"Yeah and this time we both have powers." We both laughed at that. It was either one of us didn't have powers it one of us didn't know how to us them. Most of the time it was both.
"I'm happy we got to caught up though."
"Yeah it's great to do stuff together again."
"With Hypno Steve too!"
"Yeah..." He seemed disappointed. Why?
"Did I sleep in?" Hypno Steve asked as he woke up.
"No. We just both woke up early." He looked at us then gave us a smirk.
"Let me guess you two were making out?" He teased at us.
"Of course not?" I asked confused why he was teasing us. Blue Steve covered his face then stood up looking away from me.
"Let's go and start walking okay?"
"Sure~" We got all of our things together and then started to head off. I took the lead and went ahead since I know where I am going... I hope.
Blue Steve's point of view
I waited until Rainbow was out of ear shot of me. I looked at Hypno Steve.
"Why did you say that?!"
"Why not?"
"I wanted to and your reaction was great."
"It was not great."
"You turned into a Red Steve there."
"I know!"
"Calm down. I thought I was crazy one here."  I sighed and kept walking.
"If your not going to make a move I'll make it for you."
"Why do you want to help me?" He thought for a moment.
"Why do you care about Rainbow Steve so much?" I asked a
"To me he is my son. I won't let anything bad happen to him and since I already about what he said about you I know your the best choice."
"Wow, nothing else?"
"It was you or Light Steve."
"Okay okay.... how are you going to help me?"
"Well just simple romantic stuff."
"How do you know about stuff like that?"
"Sabre and Time Steve."
"You watch them?!"
"It's fun."
"You really are a creep."
"Not a creep I just watch others."
"Okay. So how?-"
"Trip fall."
"I'm going to make Rainbow Steve trip and your going to catch him?"
"You'll see." He started to walk up to Rainbow Steve and I did the same.
"So you guys aren't fighting anymore?"
"Yay!" He gave each of us a hug.
"This will make this trip a lot easier." I watched and Hypno Steve got in front of Rainbow Steve when we started walking again. He tripped Rainbow and I quickly caught him before he could fall. I caught him in a weird position. He was bent back on foot up in the air. I was holding him from his lover back and upper back. He looked up at me his orange eyes glowing brightly. I felt my face heat up a little.
"Sorry Rainbow Steve." Hypno Steve said.
"It's okay. It want your fault. Thanks Blue Steve." He said looking up at me. I smiled a little and he smiled back.
"It's no problem Rainbow Steve."
"Can you put me down now?"
"Oh right sorry." I helped him get back up. I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment.
"Let's keep going. I think we are going to the Jungle up ahead." He said posting to a jungle biome that was far off from where we are.
"Right. Let's get going." With that we continue our way.
(Words 818) Sorry for a short chapter today. I wanted to do this, but it wasn't going to be very long. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter anyways.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now