Binding Magic

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Time Steve's point of view
It took me a while to catch up to Sabre. His dark energy is still the same from earlier then he spaced out and gave me that book. I feel like it should of gone back to normal by now. He kept his head down, but he knew where he was going.
"So, what is the problem?" I asked him. Just to check up on him. He didn't respond or went to get his note book.
"Is it something that I did?" He looked up to me and shook his head. Really trying to show it wasn't my fault. I grabbed both of his hands.
"I know its not, but you need to tell me what's going on with the spirit in you." He muttered something, but I could barely hear it. What I heard I couldn't understand. He pulled his hands back from mind and got out a notebook and started walking again. He gave me back the notebook.
His name is D.S. Or as I call him Demon Sabre. He is me. He just wants control of me.
I read it then nodded showing I understood.
"How long do you think it will take until we get to the mountains?"
A few days at least. They aren't that close.
"I guess we have a lot of ground to cover." He nods no longer keeping his head down. It made me feel a little bit better.
"Once this is over we are going to go back right?" Sabre nodded the sighed. Can't tell if he is tired or if something was bothering him. We kept walking for a while keeping quiet since their wasn't much we could talk about without using a lot of paper. It will be easier to talk about a lot of things once he has his voice back. Sabre suddenly whimpered he stopped walking and look down.
"Sabre. Are you okay?" I asked looking at him. He nodded, but whimpered again. So that is a lie.
"Sabre what's wrong? What hurts?" Knowing he has to be in some sort of pain. He grabbed his arm and squeezed it.
"Sabre...." I sighed and started to see if anything looked wrong. Nothing did. I gently touched his mask and he flinched a little. I pulled down the cloak of his hood. I saw small silver horns growing from his head.
"Let's stop for a bit alright?" He shook his head.
"Your in pain. Let's sit until the horns stop growing alright?" He whimpered again then nodded. We both sat down Sabre leaning against me.
"I'm sorry this is happing to you." He shook his head. Telling me that's it's alright. A lot of things those are telling me other wise. Sabre started to whimper a bit louder. I rubbed his back gently trying find a way to ease the pain for him. Sabre leaned more against me. I sighed a little. I hope we get their sooner then later. I don't want to see Sabre like this. I continue to comfort him until I heard voices.
"He is nearby." I heard Toler said. I put the hood back over Sabre to hide his horns. Sabre tried to get up hearing them too, but was shaking and seemed fuzzy holding his head. I forced him to sit back down.
"Sabre you need to wait." He growled at me then whimpered.
"It's okay. You need to rest."
"Time Steve?" I heard Galaxy Steve say. He was distancing himself from Alex which was weird. Sabre growled at Toler.
"I don't know why you took to it friend away from us. We are just trying to help."
"I know what you really want from him Toler. I'm not letting you hurt him."
"He isn't going to hurt him Time Steve." Alex said slightly annoyed. Sabre whimpered again. It's getting worse.
"Is Sabre okay?" Galaxy Steve asked me.
"He will be fine after a while." I said honestly. Sabre nodded with agreement. Toler went up to Sabre I got in front of him.
"Get away from him." I said. Sabre tried standing up again, he is able to, but leans on me for support.
"We just want to help."
"Help yourself!"
"No, I just want to stuff he stole from me back. He isn't in the right head space."
"I think he is Toler. Now back up before I fight you."
"Why are you helping Sabre get away from us?" Galaxy Steve asked.
"We would all be dead if I said anything."
"Come on. You can't run from us forever."
"No forever, until we can fix this mess." Toler gave me a evil look then gave everyone else a apologetic look. I felt something stab my arm. I felt a wave of dizziness and blacked out.
Sabre's point of view
I grabbed Time Steve as he went limp. My legs gave out from the massive headache I have from the horns growing on my head. I sat down and kept growing at Toler he looked at the needle in his hand the liquid inside of it gone and now inside of Time Steve.
"What did you do?"
"I just put him asleep. Don't worry about it." A let out a few whimpers in pain and worry. Toler went to grab me and I immediately reacted by making a large tall wall of black spikes around us.
"Sabre! He isn't trying to.... Toler you made it worse."
"He is acting a lot like an animal right now." Alex said. Sadly I can see that. It's probably from everything that is going on.
"I didn't mean to. I was just trying to help."
"You made him hate you more. How are we going to let him stay with us willing now."
"We can't. We are going to have to force him to stay." I growled more and held Time Steve more tightly the spikes growing. As well as my horn and scales making me whimper more.
"Sabre. Did you get hurt?" Galaxy Steve asked and I didn't say anything. Not like I can. I can't hold this spell forever. Everyone was quiet I don't know if they were talking to each other and I can't hear them or if they were planning something. I suddenly hear something attack my spikes.
"So that's what we are doing?"
"What else can we do." I know I can't win. I sigh and put the spikes down keeping my head low still growling the pain of my horns gone. I can already feel the scales growing on my shoulders.
"Your going to stay this time." He casted a spell and a red glowing chain formed on my risk. He held the chain in his hand and it disappeared.
"What was that?" Galaxy Steve asked.
"A binding spell. He can't get to far away from me now. If he tries the chain will appear and it will keep him from running. Only I can choose when the spell is done."
"Oh good so it's not permanent."
"It won't. For now let's rest and figure all of this out." He gave everyone a smile expect me. He gave me a look of evil and want. Wanting me for his own needs.
(Words 1208)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now