The Green Artifact

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Hey guys I just wanted you guys to know that I have a good friend of mine TheGGG_07 who needs some support right now so if you can do check when profile and try her stories that she has written. They are good and deserve more support.
Rainbow Steve's point of view.
We got to the jungle, but it was late. I wanted to keep going. Everyone else didn't want to. We set up camp and got ready to head to bed for the night.
"So tomorrow we will get through the jungle and see is it's here?" Hypno Steve asked.
"Yup! Once we do we will only have one left."
"Where is it?"
"I'll tell you later." I don't want to tell them that's it's in a different world right now. We all started to talk to each other before going to bed. I laid their for a while and couldn't sleep. We should keep moving. What if they attack us or the town? Why do I feel like...
I got up and sighed. I left the tent and took a torch so I can get through the jungle without tripping a million times. It was dark and quiet. A little to quiet for me to like. It was a full moon and I could barely see the moonlight from the cover of the trees. I walked around trying to be quiet. As I walked I noticed a difference in the trees. They weren't as big as the other trees and seemed less dense.
I was so busy looking up I forgot to look at where I was walking and trips on something and feel face first the ground getting down dirt in my mouth. I coughed it out and realized it wasn't dirt, but charcoal? I looked behind me to see a piece of decayed wood buried deep in the ground. That's what I tripped on. I got up and shook the dirt off of my clothes and looked around. I knew what this place is. The Green Steve village.
Almost all the houses in the trees were on the ground expect one being held up by vines and a old burnt tree. I looked around then closed my eyes. I know it's here. I can feel it. I started to look around for the green artifact. I looked through houses for it and couldn't find it anywhere. I looked in the river and the few remaining chest filled with destroyed items and decaying food. I looked up at the last place I haven't looked at. The last house.
I flew up their and looked around. I had to go inside though. I stepped inside feeling the house rock at my weight. I kept my feet light as I walked around and found a chest that was slight opens near the corner. I go over and look inside the only thing that I could still tell what it was is a note. I picked it up and looked at it.
For the Savior.
If you find this then what you are looking for is near.
I knew what the note was talking about and looked around. The closer I got to a certain area the more unstable the house got, but I could feel it near. I saw it. Near the edge of the house a Emerald block that was slight glowing laid their. I walked up to it getting closer and closer until I started to hear vines snap.
My eyes widened and the house shook. I felt myself  panic and did the only thing I could do. I grabbed the blocks just as I head the last of the vines snap. The house went sideways and so did me. I felt my myself hit something and glass shatter. I felt it cut through my back as I fell down with the house.
"Help!" I screamed out. I knew if I tried to fly it wouldn't end well. All I could do was let myself fall. I looked at artifact and it glowed.
"Do not worry. I will protect you."  I heard it said I suddenly heard the sound of something collapsing I felt something hard but my head and everything went black...
I woke up after a while coughing up dust. My head was pounding and I rubbed my head to feel vines and blood? I looked and saw my head hit a rock that was on the ground. I looked around, but it was to dark to see anything except the glowing light from the Emerald block.
I got up but felt my head hit something and it made me fall back down my side hitting the rock I groaned in pain. As I felt myself wake up more I felt the strong pain in my leg.
"Rainbow Steve?!" I heard Blue Steve say his voice was muffled and distance.
"Blue Steve...." I tried to call out to him, but I don't know how loud I was since my voice sound similar to how he did.
"Hypno Steve he is over here!" I heard faded footsteps come near me. I heard things start to move and felt the small space around me get smaller and small things started to fall on top of me causing me to wince in pain.
"Stop...." I said with the same amount effort but sounded more faded then before. It started to get hard for me to breath and my body screamed for oxogen.
"Green artifact I need.." I think I said the rest but I'm not sure as everything turned black again.
(Words 925)

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