Fighting sides

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Time Steve's point of view
We woke up the next morning and started folding the compass agains fo where we hoped Sabre was. For a while the Compass was very indirect if where to go and it suddenly got really specific which I find strange. It means we are close though. We soon got to the cave where me and Sabre were at and I saw a strange sight.
"Void Steve?!" Galacy Steve said and got ready to fight him.
"Hey..." He sounded sad? Why is he sad. I saw Sabre laying against the wall. I went up to him.
"What are you doing here?!" Galaxy Steve asked angrily.
"Just watching Sabre."
"Why are you watching him?!"
"Well he passed out."
"From what?"
"His wings."
"He already has them.... Wait."
"How do you know about that?!" They said at the same time. I looked at Sabre's back to see medium size black dragon wings. He only has one stage left.
"We shouldn't fight over this right now. We need to start going." I said as I picked Sabre up.
"What if someone attacks? It would be better if we wait for him to wake up." Alex said. I sighed and nodded putting him right next to me as we started to listen to Galaxy Steve and Void Steve argue.
"Why are you helping him?!" Galaxy Steve said.
"So I am not allowed to help people?!"
"Your evil!"
"What if I don't want to be evil anymore!"
"You can't change! You've always been like this!"
"Don't you remember?!"
"Remember what?!"
"All the good times we had together!" Void Steve screamed at him. Alex was staying close to me and Sabre.
"I do... but that didn't matter to you did it?"
"It did. I miss those time we had together. We've been to this world before remember?"
"Yeah... I do." That is a surprise. They both looked at each other before Galaxy Steve spoke again.
"Then you attacked me! Almost killed me!"
"I know I did!"
"How can you change after something like that?! You have been against everyone every since that day. Your a monster!" Void Steve went quiet and he walked away. Galaxy Steve looked angry, not a good look on him. He sighed.
"Is Sabre okay?"
"A little beaten up, but okay." I said honestly. He sighed.
"I'm going on a walk." He walks off.
"I'll talk to him." Alex said as she went after him leaving me and Sabre alone.
Galaxy Steve's point of view
I tried to calm myself down. I hate acting like that in front of other people, it's just how am I suppose to forgive him for something like that. He manipulated Elemental Steve. He has been trying to kill me for my entire life. He has been trying to force me to do things I don't want to do.
"Galaxy Steve?" I looked behind me to see Alex.
"I said I was just going on a walk."
"Could I come with you?"
"Sure." I said as she walked next to me. We walked for a bit around the forest.
"Are you okay?" She asked me.
"I'm okay. Don't worry!"
"It didn't look like it."
"I'm just mad at him right now."
"I can tell."
"Its nothing."
"It doesn't look like it." I sighed and looked at her.
"Just not right now. We need to help Sabre first."
"I want to make sure your okay first."
"I'm okay. Don't worry about me right now." I said trying to make her feel better. She sighed.
"If you want to talk about-"
"I'll talk to you. I will.... Let's get back to the others!" I said going back to upbeat voice and tone. It made Alex smile and we went back to the others.
(Words 630) Sorry another short chapter. I hope you don't mind.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now