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This is just for no reason, but this video is amazing! Please check it out! I did not make it. I have no animations skills, but it was made by LeaTDL
Thank you for 699 reads from only four chapters too!
Also for ships everyone seems to be okay with Galaxy and Alex... don't know they ship name.
So far for Rainbow I only got two votes one for Hypno the other for Blue. So yeah vote for that please. That would help a lot.
Rainbow's point of view
Flashes. Flashes in my mind. I couldn't control them, but they kept coming back to me. First was a deep inside a cave where a chest that is well protected. I reached to the chest and a familiar sense of energy came to me. I heard a familiar voice call out
"Find the others first."  The scene flashed between this one and a new one. I saw a block of emerald oh the ground. Green vines growing around it and what looked like rubble from wood and stone around the area. It looked slightly familiar. I reached out to it and again the scene changed. I was now in front of what looked like a dragon head and inside the mouth of it helped a glowing piece of obsidian. I reached for it again then everything turned funky a blur.
Back and forward switching between scenes of places. I knew all of them but I've only been to three of them. Where I found the Blue, Red, and Yellow artifacts. The back to the places I just seen. Soon I couldn't tell what is was looking at at the flashes became faster. I suddenly started to hear cries of people calling out for help or to come back. I covered my ears and everything became to much for me. I didn't understand what was going on anymore. Help. Can someone-
"Bow steve." It was louder then the other voices and seemed closer. I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I couldn't even move as I waited for the strange voices and images to stop.
"Rainbow Steve!" The voice started to sound Echoey. No. Don't leave me. I suddenly felt something shake me.
"Rainbow Steve wake up!" Wait was that... My eyes opened as I jolted awake. I saw Hypno Steve he was holding my shoulders down at my level so I could walk him to . He looked worried. I lowered my hands realizing I still had them over my ears.
"Are you okay Rainbow Steve?" He let go of me.
"I'm okay."
"Your were twitching in your sleep and covering your ears. You were having a nightmare."
"It wasn't scary just overwhelming."
"I saw three different places and all the sudden they flashed between each other and their were voices that were talking over each other..."
"What were the places?"
"A cave, well guarded with a chest in the room. A overgrown forest with a emerald block on the ground. A building with a Dragon head that held a glowing piece of Obsidian." He stayed quiet for a bit as I waited for a response.
"That wasn't a dream Rainbow Steve."
"It wasn't?"
"The place with the cave. I built that to keep the artifacts that you had safe."
"And the other two blocks are the last two artifacts I didn't get?"
"Looks like. Is their anything you haven't told me?"
"A voice.. I heard it before it said to find the others first."
"Looks like we will have to look for the others artifacts first."
"How are we going to find them?"
"Let's go to the others first." I nodded and got o of the bed making it. We walked outside to find the others. The town has gotten a lot bigger. It was more like a small city now. Some house have two floors and some steves are working on a wall that they are building around the town. They are alt halfway done. We looked around and found the people who are still here. Elemental Steve, Blue Steve, Light Steve, and the Overseer.
"Hey Rainbow."
"Hey guys! How are you guys doing?"
"It's weird to not have them here." Blue Steve said.
"I miss my brother and Galaxy Steve." Elemental Steve said honestly.
"Don't worry they should be back sooner then later." The Overseer our a hand in his shoulder.
"Wait. Since you and Time Steve are brothers can you know stuff about him even when you can't see him?" Light Steve asked.
"See! How is he doing right now?"
"He seems okay... I don't really feel anything right now though."
"That's okay."
"So what do you want to talk about?"
"Rainbow Steve had a dream about the artifacts."
"Really? It's been a while since I've even thought about those. It's been a while."
"Yeah it has. I want to go and look for them."
"Like Sabre said?"
"You can't go on your own though."
"I know. That's why I think Blue Steve and Hypno Steve should come with me!"
"Why me?"
"You know where the last three are."
"I'm okay with it. I would love to do an adventure with you again!"
"So the only ones that will be here is Me, Light Steve and Elemental Steve?"
"Yeah, but you also have the Guardian and everyone else."
"Right. You guys should come back after each artifact though so we can make sure you to are okay."
"Okay! I don't think we really need anything we can't just grab so we should start going."
"But how are we going to find them?" Blue Steve asked. I thought about it and looked around. I suddenly felt like I called in a certain direction. I don't know why, but I think that's where we need to go.
"I know where we need to go." They gave me a look, but understood. We got anything we might need. Weapons, food, blocks. We said our goodbyes to friends then left.
(Words 1063) I want to know. Do you guys like this idea? Every once in a while I will go on their adventure. Like days I can't think of what to do next for Sabre and the others. If you don't want this please tell me. It won't hurt my feelings I just want to make sure you guys are okay with.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now