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Hey guys just wanted to say thank you for 2k views already. This was way faster then my last book so I am pretty surprised. I'm happy you like the book so far though. I also wanted to thank Night_Shade26 for the fan art above. The person with blonde hair is now what Toler looks like. Sorry for not having a description of him ealier.
Sabre's point of view
I woke up the next morning before everyone else thinking about what happened last night. I yawned and felt a pain on in my cheek. I put my hand to where the pain was to feel the scab that formed over night. Scales already trying to grow in from the magic. I sighed and stoped touching my cheek. It's going to be a while until it heals. Since no one was awake I pulled my sleeve up to see the scars on my arm that I got from my.... family... their aren't very many thankfully.
I kept pulling it up. Until I saw the scales that were growing like vines onto the middle of my arm. They haven't gone father yet.
I sigh with relief that means I still have a good amount of time. I got up to go and explore the area when I felt the red chain on my risk. Right. Forgot.... I sighed and waited for everyone else to wake up. It took about another hour before they did. Galaxy Steve was the first one to come out of the tents they had.
"Good morning Sabre." He said I just looked at him. He came over and sat down next to me. I growled at him. I was not happy with him. He trusts Toler more then he trusts me and Time Steve. Galaxy Steve scooted back a little.
"Why are you made at me? And when can you growl? You sound like and actual animal." I looked at him and growl more.
"Why are you mad with me?" He asked again. I looked down and stood up to get away from him, but the chain showed up again. I started to tug as the chain wanting it to break or something it started to burn my ah s and I hissed in pain.
"Sabre! Calm down. Your making it worse." I growled at him. Toler came out of the tent and pulled the chain.
"You are making it worse Sabre. I suggest you stop." Filled with fear from last night I stopped.
"Sorry. I don't know what's wrong with him."
"It's okay." He said and looked at me sending a chill down my spine.
"Time Steve isn't awake yet. Do you know why?"
"It will have a few more hours on him don't worry." Galaxy Steve looked relived.
"I guess we will go back to the others soon."
"Do you want me to teach you this spell?"
"No. When we are ready to do hair break the spell right before and we will take him back." Galaxy Steve said with full confidence. Of course I will be able to teleport back anyways.
"He can teleport through."
"Right... thank you for reminding me." Galaxy Steve said. Well their goes that plan. After everyone woke up we ate breakfast. Well everyone, but me. It hurt to move my mouth so I don't think I will even try to eat. I looked around trying to see if their was a way to get out of here and out of his chains. So far I couldn't find anything or do anything. Everyone kept talking to each other like it was fine.
"What happened?" I heard Time Steve say as he walked out of the tent. He saw me and I knew he was worried. Time Steve gave me a hug. Like he knew I needed it. I gladly hugged back and I felt myself relax.
"Did you do anything to him?" He asked Toler.
"I have to use this spell on him that's it."
"What spell?" I walked back and the red chain showed up again. Time looked at me and nodded.
"You can't just chain him up!"
"He would run off."
"He should!"'
"Why?" Toler gave him a look then sighed.
"Come with me." He said and started to walk away. I was forced to follow. Time Steve did. We got to an area that was private.
"You know what's going on do you?"
"I do. Which is why you need to let him go."
"I need him, so I can't let him go. I already got a buyer."
"A what?" He sounded pissed. Something I only saw from him the day they learned I was a code jumper.
"Buyer. I got a lot of money from him. The should be here.... now." Suddenly someone teleported here.
"Is this is?" They pointed to me. I growled at them.
"Your not taking him!" He gave the chain to the buyer and ignored him.
"It will last an hour. I suggest getting him somewhere he can't escape." They nod.
Time Steve freezes both of them and tries to break the chain or take it. None of them work.
"Sabre.... I can't break this." I nod understanding. I looked through my inventory and gave him the compass and potion.
"Your giving me this?" I nod.
"Your going to come with me." I shook my head and pushed him back.
"They are going to hurt you. How are you going to get out?" I use a bit of my magic and make shadows grow from my hand.
"You can't use your magic. It's speeds up the process." I nod again.
"Please Sabre... Elan?" He is the only person who calls me my real name without making me flinch. I took of my mask and looked at him. I kissed him since it's the only thing... way I can tell him it's okay. Time Steve kisses back and sighs.
"Alright... just don't get yourself killed alright?" He sounded tired. I guess holding them in time for so long is pushing him to much. I put my mask on then nodded. He backs up and unfreezes time. The moment he did I was teleported away. I was shoved into a cage... a small one... for circus animals. The put the spell on the door that I can't open and over the cage so I couldn't see anything. I sighed and let it happened. All I can do right now is let it happen....
(Words 1080)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now