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Time Steve's point of view
He's gone. He didn't run he was just gone.
"Did Sabre just..." Alex was cut off by Galaxy Steve.
"Yeah. Looks like he has powers in this world."
"How are we suppose to find him now?" A long pause of silence.
"I have no idea."
"Where did you find him?"
"A potion shop. He took two potions one I think is a healing potion the other I don't know what it was."
"Should we ask the person what it was about?" Alex asked.
"Yeah... I would track him... but his energy covered by that dark energy." Galaxy Steve admitted.
"Did you noticed how it felt a little stronger?"
"Yeah I did." I don't know why it did, but I can't be good can it?
"Let's go to the shop really quickly." Galaxy Steve led us through the busy streets until we found a a potion shop. Galaxy Steve walked inside and found what I think is the shop owner.
"You again?"
"Yup! We were wondering what the Ciar person bought from you."
"A healing potion and a locate potion."
"Locate potion?" I asked.
"It's a potion you use to tract something. You need something that the person had or something apart of the item to use though. I guess he already had both."
"Thanks for explaining that."
"To bad we can't use it to find him. We don't have anything of his right now." Everyone nodded and sighed.
"Thanks for the help." We left the shop.
"So where do we go?"
"I think all we can do is try a direction to find him and hope he is nearby."
"What if we go the opposite direction of where he is going though?"
"Right... I guess we have to ask for the Protecters to help us out. I don't think their is much else we can go."
"Your right. Let's go then." Then we all walked back to the guild for some help that we needed in order to find Sabre.
Sabre's point of view
I looked around. It was noon and I was exhausted. I did find a good area to rest though. A small pond that was covered by trees. I looked around not surprised to see nothing around. I took off my mask and went to the water to look at my reflection. The scales didn't complete cover my face. It was love vines growing in certain areas. Leaving some area of skin untouched. They were about to reach my eyes thanks to me teleporting away. I don't know why my eyes haven't changed yet. Maybe it's just because of my coded eyes. I traced the scar I got in this world which ran across my face diagonally. A reason why I wore this mask before all of this. I put the mask back on feeling unsettled without it on. It's like a shield and it makes me feel safe to have it on.
"I could of helped you then." I sighed and looked at my shadow in the eyes. He looked a lot like me, except a shadow person and slightly taller.
"I know you could of, but that wouldn't of helped me much." I replied back to it. He does this a lot. Try to get to me. He almost got control of me once and only once. Of course he influences some of my actions, but it really try and make sure he doesn't.
"Come on, learn to have some fun. Kill some family members. Their isn't anything wrong with that."
"I'm not going to do that."
"You will. I'll make you."
"That's what you always say." I wished I could stop talking in draconic. I always been able to understand it. Talking in it like it's your first language isn't right. Unless you are a dragon. He kept talking to me, but I ignored him. The only thing I can really do. I sat down against a tree. I started to feel pain in my eyes and ignored it. It wasn't that bad. My shadow continued to talk to me until I feel asleep against the tree. Keeping my weapon out just in case.
Void's point of view
I watched as Sabre fell asleep against the tree. I saw him in town with the others. At first I thought I already lost this fight until he teleported away. I only found him a few minutes ago when he started talking? I'm not sure what he said or who he was talking to, but he was. I climbed down the tree I was hiding in and walked in front of him. I looked at him carefully. What was going in his head. Running away from his friends. It makes my job easy though. A lot of questions filled my head. I knew they wouldn't be answered for me. The one question that is bothering me the most was why he was sleeping in the middle of the day? I don't know why that's the thing that is bugging me, but it is. I reached my hand out to him to feel the wonderful dark energy around him. It almost fuels me with energy. The energy reached out to me as I saw the flicker of a shadow over Sabre. He nodded and I nodded in response. I backed up away from him and knew this was his work and wanted me out of it. I still have to keep a eye on him, but whatever is watching him. can do more damage then I could ever do. I left and waited for Sabre to wake up so I can see what he is really up to.
(Words 1004) Hey guys! I wanted to ask you guys really quickly do you guys like Aphmau? If you do you wil like this story called Morph by Kinddawnfox it's short but it's really good! It's not done and I think anyone who reads it will enjoy is as much as I do! So please check it out!

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now