Meeting Again?

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(Please read)
Guys I really need help with voting for ships. If you just haven't see it. It's okay. So... Do you want Galaxy and Alex to get together.
Also for Rainbow if you want a ship with him do you want Hypno it Blue for him to be shipped with?
Sabre's point of view
The sun rose and I sighed with relief. I might not be to late. I was already exhausted from last night getting all these supplies. I had to use my magic which only quickened the process of my scales. They're now staring to grow on my face like vines. I could also feel the scales on my shoulders too. Whatever is killing my dragon is doing it slowly. That's probably for the better though. I slowly found the potion shop. It wasn't open yet though. I'll have to wait for a bit. I looked around the the streets were mostly empty. Anyone who passed by gave me a look of disgust. Most likely from the energy that surrounds me. I wish I could get rid of it, but I can't. I watched as the streets started to fill with people. More stares. I felt myself start to nod off from lack of sleep when the door opened.
"Your here?" The shop owner. I nod to him. He leads me inside. He got me to his counter.
"You have the supplies?" I nod and show all of them out. I even got a little bit extra of certain things. He looked at me surprised.
"You actually got it all? In one night?" I nod again. He looks at everything double checking and sighs.
"It will be ready in a few minutes." He takes the supplies I got him and started to work on the tracking potion. I let him be and found a empty area and leaned against the wall as I felt the scales grow more on my face. I closed my eyes and relaxed for a bit.
I heard the door open. I looked up a little and felt my body freeze up. It was Galaxy Steve. He was here. Actually here. Right now. Finally here. I couldn't say anything, but I could.... I felt more scales grow on my face around my cheeks now. I can't.... even though he is here I can't. Not when I'm turning into a dragon. If I go back with them which is probably why they are here it won't end well. I did my best not to act like I knew him and looked back down. He walked up to the shop owner.
"Hi!" It was definitely him. Same voice and enthusiasm.
"What do you want to by?"
"I was actually looking for someone. Do you know someone name Sabre?"
"No. I do not. Ciar your potion is ready. If that's even your name." He held to small bottles. One was pink the other a bright blue. I took them and nodded as thanks.
"What do you mean?" Galaxy Steve asked.
"I learned a bit from the others in town. Apparently you got that name. It isn't even your real one is it?" I nod. Galaxy Steve looked a little hopeful. I turned my head away from him.
"Do you know anyone named Sabre?" I didn't respond. I don't want to say yes, but I can't say no since I am Sabre. He took my hand and have me a reassuring smile.
"Don't be shy!"
"He can't talk."
"Oh... I'm sor-" He looked at me again he tapped my pin... my family symbol. Crap.
"Come with me!" He grabbed my hand tighter and then dragged me out of the shop. He lead me through the busy streets running. I was doing my best to keep up with his pace.
"Guys! I found someone!" He said as we suddenly reached a group of people. He heart stopped beating. I knew everyones that was here, but Time Steve... He was right their in front of me. After all this time. I don't know how long he hasn't seen me, but for me it's been to long. Way to long. My heart aches as I felt tears form in my eyes. Galaxy tugged my hand, but realized I wouldn't... no couldn't move.
"Look at the pin he has! It's the same from Sabre's necklace." Time Steve and Alex looked at me.
"It is." This scared me. They can't know it's me. Not know. I can't tell them what's going on either. I desperately tried to get Galaxy to let go of my hand. I need to run. This is too much for me.
"Calm down... Ciar?"
"That can't be him." Alex said.
"That isn't his real name from what I heard." I keep trying to make Galaxy Steve let go of my hand. He finally did and I backed up a little ready to run.
"Sabre?" Time Steve walked up to me. I backed up more, but he grabbed my hand I pulled away looking to the ground away from him.
"Sabre? Is it really you?" Alex and Galaxy Steve waited for an answer. I thought about it for a while.
"Tell them Sabre." I heard him say to me. I didn't react and tried to ignore him.
"Let's then see how weak you are." No!
"They would love to see how much you failed. Your family, your master." I can't tell them!
"What about your so called boyfriend. He will want to know too. He would just love to see how much destruction you caused here." Leave him out of this!
"Tell them~" He said in a sing song voice. He kept saying it in that tone over and over again. I couldn't do anything so I nodded to them. Time Steve hugged me tightly the moment I did. I slowly hugged back.
"Sabre it is you. Why are you wearing that?" I ignored her question.
"How long have you been here Sabre?" Galaxy Steve asked. I let go of Time Steve and grabbed my note book and wrote. I have been here for 24 years.
"24 years?!" Galaxy Steve said surprised. I nodded.
"Why are you using a note book." I can't speak I told her.
"I'm sorry Sabre." Time Steve goes to moves my mask, but I grabbed his hand shaking my head.
"It's okay though. We can take you back and see if we can get your voice back." I quickly shook my head.
"You don't think we can get your voice back?" I shook my head and stepped back.
"We are just going to go back. Everyone misses you." I started to walk back and kept shaking my head. I can't go back.
"Stay Sabre. You don't need your Dragon I can give you all the power you need to help your friends out." I'm not listing to you! Not twice in one day!
"Sabre what do you mean?" I can't answer that. I have to go I have to leave. I quickly teleport myself to the forest and left them their.
I looked at the blue potion and took out a compass. I place them on the ground. I felt my face and looked for a scale that I could easily grab. I pulled it and whimpered like a animal. That's new. I put it into the potion and then put the potion on the compass. The compass instead of pointing north pointed east to the mountainside. I started to walk forward and knew this is where my dragon would be. I felt a lot of scales grow on my face. I'll have to check on my process once I rest tonight. Let's hope they don't find me until I do.
(Words 1289)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now