Coming back

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Sabre's point of view
I looked around the area I haven't seen in years. The Steve village. It looked like I haven't really even left.
"Well... we are here." Galaxy Steve said. I heard footsteps and saw Rainbow Steve.
"Your back! Did you find Sabre?!"
"We did." Time Steve gestured to me and I lower my head.
"Sabre. Why are you so tall?" I laugh a little and hug him.
"Sabre? What's wrong? Why do you feel so cold and dark?"
"We will explain that later." Void Steve said.
"Void Steve?! What are you doing here?!"
"It doesn't matter. What's going on?"
"Nightmare Steve and Origin Steve are attacking out in the plain-" I quickly rush over.
"Sabre! Wait for us!" They said as they ran after me. I soon saw what looked like Elemental Steve, The Overseer, Hypno Steve, and the Guardian fighting them off. Nightmare Steve and Origin Steve were winning because they can't really die. I think.
"Who are you?" Elemental Steve asked me. I shook my head and walked up in front of Origin Steve.
"Hello Sabre."
"Sabre?" Hypno Steve said as I heard laughter.
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" I shake my head and growl at him. I get my sword out and attack him making sure to be quick on my feet. He blocks It a few times and summons lighting on me, but I move out of the way and slash my sword to his side. He backs up from me.
"Stronger then last time? Good to see." I summons black spikes beneath him and he moves out of the way.
"Magic too? Interesting." I jump back as he summons more lighting on me. I would say something back if I could talk. He attacked me again, but I moved out of the way again. He is stronger then before, but so am I.
We kept attacking back and forward no sign of stoping. I was using a lot of my magic and the others helped me as much as they could. Origin Steve suddenly hit his blade against my neck and the sound of glass shattering filled the air. The blade shatter from the scales it hit around my neck. I smirk and jump back needing to think of a plan on how to fix all of this.
So this is all from Demon Steve Being dead right?.... what if I brought him back?.... I quickly run off into the woods and look around making sure no one was around and focused on bringing Demon Steve back.
I closed my eyes and opened them to see myself in black void..... I saw a button in front of me that said Restore. I press it and feel my energy drain and pressed a button in my other hand that I glanced at that said Edit.
I slowly change the way he would act, Maine how evil he was so maybe we can help. I opens my eyes and he was in front of me.
"Sabre?" I nod.
"What happened? Why are their-" I point of the direction he needs to go and he goes over. I slowly follow felling scales grow all around me. When I got over it was already over. Demon Steve, Origin Steve, and Nightmare Steve were gone. I looked at the others.
"Sabre What was that?!" Elemental Steve asked me. I sighed not able to really explain. Everyone started talking and soon I felt it.... I walked up to Time Steve and tapped his shoulder.
"What is it Sabre?" I let my newly grown tail brush against his leg.
"Sabre?! Is that a tail!" I sighed and took of my mask and hood down so they could see how I really looked like right now.
"Galaxy Steve. We need to get going!"
"I don't have the energy."
"Galaxy Steve, Alex. You stay here. Me, Time Steve will go and get Sabre fixed." Void Steve said and looked at us. I nod.
"Let's go Void Steve, we only have a day now."

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now