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Time Steve's point of view
I opened my eyes and looked around the area. Quickly I realized something.
"I was just here!" It was late at night though.
"What?" Alex asked
"Someone here got stuck in the wrong time period so I helped them get back to their normal time."
"Have you seen Sabre then?" Galaxy Steve said.
"No! Of course not."
"Okay. So he is somewhere in this world... where are we?"
"In front of the protectors guild." Me and Galaxy Steve said at the same time. I looked around at him.
"World 20834."
"You've been in this world before?"
"Yeah! I came here with.... never mind! But this is a cool world. Magic is different here though."
"How different?" Alex asked. Galaxy pointed time an orange Andesine necklace she was wearing. She didn't have that before.
"It's to help control your powers. I have a staff." He takes out a silver staff that splits and curls together near the end a orb of Purple and blue magic in between the split part of the staff.
"I don't have one."
"Not everyone does."
"Okay... how does it work?"
"I'll show you on the way... Also we can't fly."
"Only people with wings can fly in this world." I stayed quiet as they talked to each other. I looked around then saw something looking at us. He was right behind us. He was a cat standing up. A mix of a human and cat. He looked at us. Alex looked in shock.
"Do you need our guilds help?" The cat asked.
"No, not right now."
"I'm Lo'Pho you are?"
"I'm Time. This is Galaxy and Alex."
"Interesting names. So what is the problem."
"We are looking for a friend named Sabre."
"Sabre? I haven't heard of him. Maybe someone else does. Come in." Alex was still in shock and we went inside the guild. It was large and beautiful. I looked around and saw the symbol on the ground. The Guild's symbol. I saw a few other people in the room. One looked a bit like Sabre, but the only reason why I knew it wasn't him was from his brown eyes.
"Time!" I saw Jakey and he ran up to me and gave me hug. He seemed to remember that I didn't want one and let go of my quickly.
"You know him Jakey?"
"Y...you were with me this morning."
"I was."
"I'm Bryan."
"Nice to meet you Bryan." Alex said.
"What are you doing here?" Jakey asked me.
"Looking for boy- a friend..." Didn't meant to say that.
"Bryan is my Boyfriend so I don't see anything wrong with that."
"That's great!" Galaxy said excited.
"So who is he?"
"Sabre, we are trying to find him." Alex said looking at both of them.
"I...I don't know any S..Sabre..." Jakey kept his head low.
"Don't worry I do not recognize the name either Jakey." Lo'Pho said. He seemed more calm and I noticed that he had a bright energy. Bryan had... a hit or burning energy? He probably had abilities related to fire. We all looked at him for a answer.
"I have, but it was a long time ago."
"How long?"
"I was a kid." I'm happy we could get an answer from someone here.
"You didn't tell me about him."
"I only knew him for a few days."
"Which was?"
"He was in a frozen river trapped under the ice.  I was the only one around and got him out."
"What does he look like?"
"A bit like me. Brown hair, light skin, a scar that went across his face."
"And?" Galaxy Steve said knowing we need one certain things from him.
"What he wore?"
"A black and green long sleeve shirt. He wore a blindfold too."
"That's him! Do you know where he is?"
"After I saved him he stayed with my family for a bit. We took him back to his home, but once we got their his family told us to never come near him again and so we didn't."
"I don't think he would be their now."
"I guess we just need to look for him."
"What type of energy did he have?" I asked him.
"Dark energy, it surrounded him."
"Like the person in the street?" I asked Jakey."
"Sounds like it. Thanks for the help, we need to go and look-"
"We can come with you."
"It's fine."
"We need to talk to him anyways. Figure out why be stole from those hunters."
"Steal? Sabre has never stolen something before."
"Maybe he had to?"
"We will just ask him when we see him. We should start looking."
"How about in the morning? It's late." The three of us looked at each other then nodded.
"Sure we can stay the night."
"Good, we will find your friend in the morning."
"Thanks, your help means a lot." Lo'Pho went to show us a spare room they had. Jakey and Bryan went to their own rooms. We waved goodbye then sat on the three beds in the room.
"So Sabre had an actual life here."
"Looks like it. Do you think he will want to come back?" Alex asked.
"He will, he will want to see his boyfriend again."
"What about you two?" Alex looked in confusion while Galaxy Steve blushed a little. I knew it.
"What are you talking about?"
"You'll see Alex. You'll see."
"Now, does that mean Sabre will have powers now?
"I don't know. Some people have powers in this world not a lot though."
"Okay so most likely not. What about his dark energy?"
"Why would he get curse?"
"Born with it?"
"I guess we will have to figure that out." Alex yawned and laid on her bed.
"I'm going to sleep now. You guys should to."
"Alright, Goodnight."
"Goodnight!" We all laid in our beds and went to sleep. I couldn't help but notice how much colder then bed felt tonight before I did.
Okay I think you guys want more ships right? I was thinking of doing Alex and Galaxy Steve but tell me if you don't or want something different.
I am having some trouble deciding which ship to do for Rainbow Steve. I'll either do Rainbow Steve and Hypno Steve or Blue Steve and Rainbow Steve. Tell me what you like better.
Also if their are any ships you do want tell me and I'll add it to the list. Remember it's all going to be cute fluffy stuff that makes you want to die.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now