Hell breaks lose

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Sorry guys I am not dead. It's just I got to a thing were I just didn't want to write and I am so sorry. I will try and write more often I am very sorry.
Sabre's point of view
I got up and shook my wings to stretch them out. Everyone meet up again and we were about to leave. Void Steve seemed sad, but I can tell things were working out with Galaxy Steve and Alex, they were talking more and looked happy. I couldn't help, but smile at that.
"Are you ready to go Sabre?" Time Steve asked me and I nod. We all start walking.
After a while we I felt something strange and I stopped in place.
"Something wrong Sabre?" Alex asked. I looked around to see if I could find the source of the sound, but didn't find anything or anyone.
"I don't see anything..." Time Steve said. That's when I heard it. I quickly rush to avoid and put my wings around him as I feel a piercing pain go through me wing. An arrow that was going to go straight through Void Steve's head. I drop my wing and whimpers.
"Sabre!" Void Steve said and looked at my wing.
"That would of killed you!" Galaxy Steve said. Void Steve sends a fire ball at the person who shot it and suddenly their were a lot of arrows. Time Steve froze them and everyone ran. We were all split up eventually through the arrows and chaos. Galaxy Steve and Alex ran in their own direction while everyone else ran in different directions.
I was suddenly trapped near a ravine to long to jump and to deep to risk. Then I saw Void in the same predicament as me. Void slowly walks over to me. I looked down in the ravine and see water. I pull Void Steve some with me as we jump into the water.  We hide against the cave as arrow fall on top of us and we weren't hurt thankfully.
"You okay Sabre?" I nod and look around I found a few caves nearby, but I felt something get pulled out of me. I winced in pain. Void Steve pulled the arrow out of my wing.
"Sorry." I shake my head to show it wasn't problem.
"Where do we go now?" I shrug my shoulders and go through a cave and Void Steve follows.
Time Steve's point of view
I ran as fast as I could I didn't know where anyone was as well split up. While running I bumped into someone.
"Hello there." It was Toler and all the arrows stop. I back up from him and look at him in the eyes.
"It's time to make a choice."
"What choice?" I asked as I looked at him. I suddenly felt a strong pain in my chest I looked at him and saw a evil look in his eye as I saw the sword that went straight through my chest.
"Let's see who he chooses." I looked at him shock and everything when blurry then...
Elemental's point of view
I felt it... my body started shaking. I was with the others and they definitely noticed my change in emotion.
"Elemental Steve?" The Overseer asked me and I held my chest.
"Time Steve?" Is al I could mutter as shocked filled my body as I knew. This was a fatal blow to him. Time Steve isn't going to make it. Their was suddenly a lot of lighting and I looked up to see Nightmare Steve and Origin Steve.
Galaxy Steve's point of view
I stopped dead in my tracts as fear filled me.
"Time Steve?!" I call out.
"What's wrong Galaxy Steve?"
"He got stabbed we need to find him!" Alex understood and ran with me though the tree as I followed his energy. I can't lose Time Steve not again. When I got their Toler was laughing and Time was on the ground. Sabre was their too and all I could really make sense of was a immense amount of dark Energy around him.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now