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Hey guys! For those who are on my last story I wanted to say. We reached 31k reads and I can't believe it even went that far. I also wanted to thank Kinddawnfox for the fan art above. Congrats on being the first and it looks great!
Time Steve's point of view
"So.. Your friend ran away from you and now you can't find them?" Bryan said.
"Yeah. We can't track his energy like we usually can. So can you help us?" I asked them.
"Sure! Me and Jakey can come with you. Lo'pho and the others need to stay here."
"But how are we going to find them?" Alex asked.
"Well those hunters have been able to find him so maybe they could help us?" Jakey said.
"Good idea!" Galaxy grabbed Bryan's hand and ran out of the guild and back to the town. We started to look for the hunters. I'm not sure if they would help us, but I hope they do. They might be the only way we could find Sabre. We looked around until we found them talking to each other in the streets. In hunting clothing and carried a lot of weapons on them.
"Excuse me?" I said quietly, but they heard me.
"What do you want?" One of them asked.
"We wanted to ask about the person you were chasing yesterday?"
"He has been bothering us for a while now. Stealing our things. Why do you want to know about him?"
"We are trying to to find him."
"Guild people? We can handle this on our own."
"Actually me and my friend are looking for him for different reasons they are just helping us."
"We know how to tract his magic. Why do you need to."
"We are trying to bring him back to our home."
"Oh.... sure. As long as we can come with you to get our things back from it." I looked at everyone and they all looked okay with it.
"Sure. We will help you with that to." He reached his hand out to me and I took it.
"My name is Toler. I'm the captain of this group."
"Nice to meet you Toler." He nodded and looked at the four other people with them.
"Thank you for helping us."
"No thank you. Having friends of his might help us get out stuff back."
"I don't know why he would steal, but I hope you get your supplies back."
"Your name is?"
"Time. This is Galaxy and Alex."
"Strange name, but alright." He started to walk ahead and all of us followed him. I looked up at the sky to see it was around noon.
"So right here?"
"Yes. He teleported around here." He looked around and pointed to the mountains.
"He went that way."
"How do you know?"
"I have dark magic."
"So your evil?"
"No, of course not. Not everyone with dark magic is evil."
"It's true." Jakey said.
"How does that make is easier?"
"He has Shadow magic. It's similar to mine."
"Shadow magic?"
"It's complicated. It's like Dark magic, but something holds it back. It's weird I don't know much about it." We soon got to the outskirts of the town and started to walk into the forest.
"Will he run if he sees you guys?"
"Probably, but you will probably be able to make sure he doesn't."
"Okay." Then we started our long walk in the woods.
Sabre's point of view
"We are nearby." I heard a familiar voice say and I woke up. I knew who it was. I quickly climbed up into the tree I was sleeping against and climbed up as high as I could. I could see the area below me, but they could see me.
"His energy is strong here. He was resting here I think." Toler. Him! This isn't going to end well if he finds me.
"I can feel it too." Time Steve? He is here. Working with the person who wants to kill me? Great.
"Did he just leave?" Alex asked. I saw them below the tree and I stayed as quiet as I could.
"Looks like it. He won't be far."
"That's good, but I need to ask why was he stealing stuff from you?"
"I think he needed it."
"He has been on the run for over 4 or five years now. Think he is homeless."
"Oh... he won't be once we get to him!" Galaxy Steve said. Yeah. I hope I get this done and over with soon. The only person I'll miss here isn't even a person. My Dragon.
"Should we keep going?" Bryan asked. I knew him. I knew his dragon too. Their was a long pause of silence.
"He hasn't left yet."
"He is still here?"
"It feels like it. Everyone look around." Everyone split up and looked around the area. I stayed where I was. I soon saw Alex come back to the area I was. She shivered and I cursed in dragonic under my breath. She can feel my energy most likely. She started to climb up the tree, but I couldn't move. The closest branch that could hold me was about a six foot wide gap on the next tree nearby. Alex soon saw me.
"Sabre?" I growled at her. Telling her to back up. She didn't.
"You found him?"
"He's in this tree!" Nope had to make the jump. I looked at the branch and jumped. I went to grab it, but the gap was to much. I kept falling forward and grabbed a branch below it and got up. Everyone looked at me.
"Sabre!" I growled at them.
"Come down! We just want to bring you back.
I moved through the tree to get to the next one which I was able to grab the next branch I was aiming for. I hid in that tree.
"This doesn't make any sense. He won't listen to us." I can't listen to you. Not right now. Not until this is fixed. Before I heard anything else they were going to say to me or to each other I got to the ground and started to run. I heard them follow me and I made twists and turns while running trying to lose them. I suddenly felt something grab me and pinned me to the ground.
"Sabre! It's me. Please stop running." Time Steve looked at me. I looked at him. I tried to get out of his grip, but he would let me. I went limp to see how he would react. He kept holding me down. I can tell he didn't want to.
"Sabre. Why are you running from us? Don't you want to come back?" I nodded. I really did.
"Then why are you running?" I looked away from him. I can't tell them what's going on. They will freak out or something. Suddenly I heard a loud blast and saw Time Steve was attacked. I saw Void Steve. How is he here? Why is here? I looked at him and pulled a sword out.
"I suggest you run Sabre." Is he helping me? I can't really think about it this right now. I ran and I didn't stop. Until I was sure no one was watching me.
(Words 1218)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now