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Their is something I should tell you guys about. Their is a sensitive subject we go on into the book. If you are not good with Abuse I just wanted to warn you that Sabre in this book was abused as a kid so if you aren't comfortable with that please tell me and I can see what I can do.
Void Steve's Point of View
It took me a while to figure out where that person took Sabre. It's pretty far from where his friends are. I can't believe he is putting me through this much trouble to keep a eye on him. Traveling all the time. It annoying. I saw this large wooden and stone buildings in the middle of nowhere. Not much of a reason for security here.
I flew down and saw a few people inside and a lot of cages curved with tarps so I couldn't see inside. Looks like I'm going in. I snuck in through the back entrance and looked through the cages under the tarps. Some were empty while the others were filled with strange creatures chained to the ground. I was about to look through another one when I was attacked by the few people here. I attacked them with ease and knocked them out with no problems. They can't do anything to me.
(Blood Warning)
I opened the tarp to find what I was looking for just not in the condition I had in mind. He laid on the ground covered in silver and red blood. It was something I wasn't expecting to see. He did have a shirt on or his cloak or mask, but he had his blindfold on which is a surprise to me. I walked over to him carful not to get any blood on me. Their actually a lot less blood then I thought their would be. Their were bandages next to him unused.
Seriously? They expected him to clean himself up and treat him like this? Well I can't let him bleed out I need him to stay in this world. I grabbed the bandages and started to wrap him up. I knew this was happing to him for a while now, but I didn't know how bad it actually was. I won't help him stop this thing going on with him. That actually might help the reason why I am here.
After fixing him up I noticed something interesting. Scars. Their aren't very many but their were scars all over him. Abuse by the look of it. I should of laughed or something, but I felt a little bit bad for him. At least everything us steves did l him he wasn't alone in. Here he is alone... by himself... I shook my heads and ignored by thoughts. The other people are going to wake up soon. I got him to sit up and put his things back on for him. I took the bandages just in case then left him their. He will figure out a way out. I am not suppose to help... but I guess I already did....
Sabre's point of view
I woke up in a different position I passed out in. I was leaning against the wall in a comfortable way and I was bandaged up. What? How? I guess I can be thankful for that. I got up feeling the pain of the scales growing over my wounds already. That is going to be annoying. I looked around to see the cage slightly open? The people around me knocked out cold? What the in the world happened here? I sigh but didn't question it. I looked around to see a lot of other creatures in cages the tarps on the ground. I found some keys and let these creatures go. They don't deserve to be trapped in here. They are almost like me in a way. I suddenly felt the scales quickly grow up my arms and the heat in my hands increase. I don't bother to see how much they grew as I walked out of the building. I already know. The people were still inside the building and once I was sure all the animals were out I put a hand on a wooden part of the building. I felt scales grow up my arm one more time and flames came out of my hands.
The flames were a vibrant green and it easily put the wood in flames. I watched as the fire grew through out the entire building making it green with light and black with smoke and it slowly burned down killing everyone inside it. I stood back and watched the flames grow the heat hitting me and anything nearby. For once D.S didn't have anything to say about it since for once I did something he would consider right. I looked around to notice I couldn't see the mountains and since I didn't have the compass on me I didn't know where to go.
It was all night and I didn't know where the sun is so I did the only thing I could do. Choose a random direction and walk.
I felt like someone was watching me again, but this time I noticed how it felt a little different.
(Words 881)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now