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Look! Kinddawnfox did it again for a third time! Good for her! Also thanks it's wonderful!
Blue Steve's point of view
"Green artifact I need help..." I heard Rainbow Steve say weakly. We stood outside of the collapsed area that was covered up in wood and debri. We started moving it, but Rainbow said not to.
"Should we move it?" I asked Hypno Steve.
"We have to. He might be suffocating in there." We started to move the debri. While we moved it we notice fresh green vines were around the wood and debri like it was holding it up in some way.
"We should be more careful here." Hypno Steve said and I nodded. I soon saw Rainbow Steve on the ground out cold.
"Rainbow Steve!" I carefully got him out. I looked around and noticed that the vines that grew around on top of him saved his life. If they didn't grow their he could of been crushed. I looked over at him to see vines growing around his head where he was bleeding. If they weren't their he might of bleed out. His leg was in a weird position and  was bleeding. He also had a few bruises he was okay.
"What happened to you?" I said as I held him close to my chest.
"We will have to ask him when he wakes up. I can teleport us back to the town." I looked to see vines around his hand and the Green artifact had vines growing off of it.
"How did he active the artifact?" Hypno Steve asked me.
"He didn't sometimes the activate on their own."
"That's interesting."
"Let's just go back now." Hypno Steve nods and takes us back to the town. I picked up Rainbow Steve the artifact still in his hand. We saw Light Steve who was the first to see us. He saw I was carrying Rainbow and went up to us.
"What happened?!"
"We don't know. He was under some rubble. He was talking for a bit, but he was out cold when we got to him. Light Steve nods understanding. We went into the Overseer's house.
"Hypno Steve? Blue Steve?" The Overseer said.
"Yeah it's us."
"You got an artifact?"
"Yeah. Rainbow Steve did." I put him down on a bed and the Overseer started to heal him.
"Will he be okay?" I asked worriedly taking Rainbow Steve's hand.
"He will don't worry. His head might hurt and he will still be bruised up, but rather the that he will be okay." I sighed with relief. I looked back at Rainbow Steve who seemed to be smiling in his sleep now.
"How did this happen?"
"We don't know. We found him like this under some rubble."
"Something must of fell on him."
"Actually I fell with it..." I heard Rainbow Steve said as he sat up. I helped him sit up and he winced in pain.
"Are you okay?!"
"Yeah... my side hurts a little." The Overseer started to heal his side. I guess he didn't know it was injured.
"Fell with it?" Light Steve asked.
"Their was a house in the trees where the Green Artifact was. I went up their to get it and the house collapsed on itself..." I could tell he was still tired by the sound of his voice.
"You could of died Rainbow Steve!" Hypno Steve said angrily.
"I know, but I had to get the Artifact."
"Hypno Steve have you even seen what Rainbow Steve has gone through. This happens a lot."
"Yup! Like the time Sabre had to take my powers to defeat Dark Steve and Chaos Steve."
"Wait Sabre has had a Steve's powers before?" Hypno Steve asked.
"Yes he took mine as well." Light Steve said.
"I have seen him done more then that." The Overseer said.
"That's weird... when was the last time he did that?" I asked.
"When Galaxy Steve and him merged together in accident."
"Oh okay." Elemental Steve walked into the room.
"Elemental Steve?" Rainbow Steve asked.
"What's going on?"
"I just got hurt don't worry."
"Your not the only one."
"What do you mean?" I asked Elemental Steve.
"Right now it seems like Time Steve is hurt. So is Galaxy Steve."
"How badly?"
"Nothing to serious I think...."

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now