Looking Closer

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Hey guys! I wanted to thank you for reaching out first 1k reads! It means a lot to know you guys like this story! Now onto the book!
Time Steve's point of view
I help Sabre before I let my magic go from him. I caught him and yes he was out cold.
"So that worked."
"Yeah...." I felt bad about doing this, but I want to figure out what's going on in Sabre's mind. He felt a little heavier, but that was probably from all the supplies he was carrying.
"It's late. We will stay here for the night and also questions when he wakes up." Toler said to us and we all agreed. We set up camp and got a fire going. Everyone went to talk to each other while I stayed with Sabre. We had to tie him up in a tree in case if he woke up and tried to run. I didn't want to, but everyone else did. We didn't take off his mask since we knew he would like that. I looked at him and sigh. It's hard to tell it's him since he was completely covered himself up head to toe. I wonder why. I looked to see what he was carrying and I found a note book. I took it and looked inside.
The pages where filled with notes? I looked through everything I could. He talked about spells he can do. His magic and all the other types of magic in this world. Their were pages about dragons. Most of them were ones he didn't put much detail about, but a shadow dragon was drawn out and had an entire page dedicated to it. Interesting. I kept flipping through pages until I find a page about dragon protectors? With a strange mark that appears in their upper arm and some of the things they represent. They are exactly what the name suggests. I went to the last filled pages of the book. They seemed a lot more recent. It talked about a spell that happens naturally. A connection spell about a dragon and a person. How under certain circumstances they person can turn into a dragon? It doesn't say what the circumstances are, but the is a list of the stages. First is the chest where scales start to grow and will slowly change the blood of the person. Second is the throat as they lose the ability to speak human and start to speak in dragonic. Sabre can't speak anymore... the third stage is the eyes as it improves the vision by now the scales are over their face and will start moving up the arms. Next is the horns that grow from their head. The space of time between them is the shortest. Next the ability to control the secondary element the dragon has with their hands. The second to last stage is the wings that grow from the back which lasts the longest. The final stage is a tail once the tail comes in the have 24 hours to find and solve the problem the dragon has before the full transformation starts and ends.
That was the end of the notes. I thought about this for a second. Sabre can't speak. He is hiding his skin. He is looking for something. His dragon. I moved his mask a little to see scales over his face like vines. Black scales. I moved his mask back to the normal position. This all makes sense now. He is turning in a dragon. That's why he is running from us. I know he wouldn't want me to tell the others so I won't. That doesn't explain why he is acting they way he is to Toler. He is trying to help us isn't he? Something is starting to tell me that it isn't. By now everyone was asleep. I'm not a fast reader. So I can either tell the others and Toler if he really is up to no good will do something bad to all us or I go ahead and help Sabre out and leave Galaxy Steve and Alex on their own...... I think option two is better.
I untied Sabre and picked him up. I didn't know where he wanted to go, but by the looks of where we were running to the mountains. I started to walk in that direction. I felt the dark energy around him and if felt cold. It made me shiver as I walked. It was too dark to see almost anything in front of me. Soon it felt like I was surrounded by a dark mist or cloud. I didn't know where I was going anymore. I felt Sabre shift in my arms a little. I could barely see his head lift up. He was awake.
"I know what's going on Sabre. I saw your book? About dragons and your magic." He didn't react and kept looking at me.
"I'm going to help you find your dragon." He looked at me then nodded.
"Do you know where to go? I can't see anything." Sabre moves a little as I put him down in a way he could stand on his own. He took my hand and started walking through the mist. He lead me through blindly. I didn't know how long I was following him. The only reason why I knew he was still their was the pressure in my hand and the sound of light footsteps. Sabre suddenly stoped as he stoped dragging me.
"Why did we stop?" I didn't get an answer not like I was expecting one. It took a while, but Sabre started walking again. We went into an area that felt colder and realized that ground was now stone not dirt. We were in a cave. Sabre forced me to sit down and I did. I felt my back lean against the stone wall and felt Sabre move next to me.
"Are we here to rest for the night? Tap me once if yes." He tapped my shoulder once.
"I'm sorry for freezing you in time." He tapped my shoulder once. I think that means it's okay. I started to feel drowsy and put my arm around Sabre.
"Goodnight." I quietly said before falling asleep.
(Words 1049)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now