The Start of the Joureny

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Sabre's point of view
I woke up in the cave. I was leaning against Time Steve who was asleep. Looks like it wasn't a dream after all. I didn't bother to get up. I kind of wanted this. Just not at this exact moment. His body felt warm against me making me want to fall asleep again. His hand was over my shoulder like he was afraid I was going to run again. I could hear his heartbeat in sync with mine our breathing too. It felt good to be with him again. Like this. Just the two of us and the nature around us. The sun dipped into the cave making a soft glowing light glow on us. I felt my eye lids start to close my body relaxing. For once my demon wasn't trying to talk to me to break this moment between the two of us. It felt good almost too good for comfort. He started to rub my arm telling me that he was awake.
"Sabre are you awake?" He asked I wanted to say nothing, but I nodded.
"Okay just wanted to make sure. Did I wake you up?" I shook my head. He took my hand and stood up. I stood up as well.
"Can I see your face?" He said touching my mask. I nodded and tied the knot on my mask that kept it up. I took it off and looked at him. He sighed and touched my face tracing the scales on my face. He took off my Blindfold then gasped.
"Sabre. Your eyes they... how do I say this..." he was thinking and nervous I could tell. It made me nervous too. He noticed.
"Come with me." He started walking out of the cave and looked around. I knew what he was trying to do. He soon found a all puddle of water on the ground. Clear enough to see my reflection. I looked down to see my eyes to see a strange sight. My eyes looked... normal? I mean no completely normal. I have a pupil and iris. My iris is my green code my pupils black and everything else white. It must be from the dragon magic changing my eyes.
"Do you feel okay?" I nodded. Nothing felt wrong with my code at all. It felt fine. Time Steve gave me my blindfold back putting it over my eyes again. I then put my mask back on to hide the scales of my face.
"So to the mountains right?" I nodded. He looked around then started walking. I quickly looked at my compass to make sure he was going the right way. Thankfully he was and I went to catch up to him.
"Why do you hate Toler so much?" He asked after a bit of silence of walking. I sighed and took out my notebook. The one were I right in do people could understand me. I wrote down my answer.
Toler is in charge of a group for revenge of the Draken's death after he failed to end the war between Dragons and Humans to kill all dragons. Toler I believe is his son and is trying to finish his goal to kill all dragons. Since I am connected to my dragon and turning into one which I think you understand he wants me and my dragon dead so he can kill off the shadow dragon species.
He looked at the book reading and walking at the same time like I did. Except writing...
"I understand. Good thing I didn't tell Galaxy Steve and Alex then. If I told them they would of asked and killed you." I nodded knowing that was true, but they would probably try and kill Galaxy Steve and Alex first. I hope they are able to figure out what him and his group really are.
"So them being hunters is a lie?" I went back to my notebook.
No it's isn't. They hunt and kill creatures that are protected by law like dragon. They wouldn't kill me, but they would take all my dragon parts of me before like my blood and scales.
"Okay, I'll make sure to keep them away from you." We kept walking for a bit. I didn't say anything and neither did he. Our hands were locked together. I started to feel my scales grow and a strong pain in my head. It stoped after a few seconds, but I knew what was going to happen soon. My horns will come it. I really need to stop using my magic. Time Steve didn't notice which I was thankful for.
"Next is the horns right?" I nodded. I looked down keeping my head low.
"Next is secondary element?" I nodded then quickly write down Fire. He read it.
"That will be cool though." I nodded again. I looked around the forest getting the feeling of being watched again.
"How is it going lover boy?" It's going good thank you very much D.S. That's a nick name I have for him which stands for Demon Sabre.
"To bad you can love a girl like normal person."
(I do not really mean that I am a straight alliance. I support all the way! So if you need to talk you can. it's for the story.)
That really hurt and I let out a small whimper.
"Are you okay Sabre?" I nodded not wanting to worry him. Loving a male is okay.
"That's against the rules of nature." I don't care.
"Your master didn't like it at first." That was true. When I told him I was well Gay.... he didn't like that. I couldn't stand it and ran away. He had to find me any second later D.S would of taken over me. My dragon is like the father I never had in his life. He is okay with it now.
"Are you so sure about that?" I'm sure.
"I guess you will see when he sees your freak of a boyfriend. A disgusting gay just like you." I let out a low growl at D.S. Leave him out of this! He ignored that.
"That is if to your master is still alive by then." He laughed then went quiet. I didn't notice that Time Steve was in front of me.
"Sabre what's wrong?" I looked away from him.
"That dark energy around you was growing. Is that a good thing?" I shook my head.
"What does it mean?" I took out my notebook. I looked through my notes to find the page about my demon. I show him the area and he read it.
"I get a friend now?" Not a friend an enemy. I know Time Steve can't do anything about it. It's going to follow me for my whole life.
"I'm not an it." You are to me. My shadow decided to take a form at that moment. A shadow of what I look like. Faded and black.
"Do you want me to try and take control of you again? In front of your boyfriend?" I looked at Time Steve who is still reading the part. Probably looking at it more then once to make sense of it. I shook me head.
"Very good. Don't call me an it again. I'm stronger then you. I'm smarter then you and better then you is any way you can think of and once I get control your so called boyfriend will die in you hands."  He disappeared and went quiet again, hopefully for longer this time. Time Steve pulled me into a hug.
"It's okay Sabre." He said holding me tight. I didn't relax though. I can't relax. Not with him waiting to pounce around the corner and kill Time Steve or anyone else. I know he would. I jerked back from the hug. I walked again keeping myself ahead from Time Steve. I don't want him to get hurt or worse.
(Words 1325)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now