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Time Steve's point of view
I got up after being blasted by something.
"I suggest you run Sabre." I heard Void Steve say. I looked back to where Sabre was at and he was gone.
"Void Steve? How are you even here?"
"My and my brother can both go into worlds."
"Why are you here?"
"I'm letting Sabre do what he wants. To be left alone."
"Alone? I don't think he wants to be alone."
"Then why does he keep running?"
"I don't know. I'll figure it out myself."
"Maybe he isn't suppose to come back and he doesn't have the guts to tell you."
"It doesn't mean he wouldn't try!"
"Try? He is certainly trying to run away."
"Freeze him in time and force him to come back?"
"If it goes down to that."
"You wouldn't. I can tell Time Steve." I heard voices from behind me.
"Tell anyone I was here and I'll kill Sabre again." He disappears. I stare at where he was for a bit.
"Time Steve! Did you find him?" Galaxy Steve went up to me.
"I did, but he escaped again."
"Oh. I'm sorry. We will get him next time!" Pause.
"Did you really just did that?"
"I swear I didn't mean to make you name a pun."
"I know, let's just keep going. He ran that way so he has to be near."
"Why don't you freeze him in time?"
"I don't think he would like that."
"I know, but he needs to explain this to us."
"What if he doesn't?"
"I don't know, but we have to try." I looked around and saw where Sabre went.
"Okay. Let's do this." I started to run in the direction he went and Galaxy Steve followed close behind.
Sabre's point of view
I kept a good pace as I walked through the first keeping a watch on the compass following where it was pointing. I started to feel eyes on me and I did my best to ignore it. It was probably just my shadow. It was a long way to the mountains which was wear the compass was pointing and using my magic to teleport their will drain me and make me lose to much time in my transformation. The sun was close to setting so I would have to stop soon.
I suddenly stoped. I tried moving, but couldn't. Someone was stopping me, but not by holing me down.
"I'm sorry Sabre, but I can't let you run again." Time Steve walked up in front of me. Of course he froze me in time. I just starred at him. Not like I can do much. I can use my powers, but I don't want to hurt him.
"You got him?" I heard Galaxy Steve asked as he walked into my view. He was happy to see me no surprise their.
"Good, now we can get our stuff back." Toler said and he got into the view. I growled at him. I know what he wants with me and that's not going to happen. I rather die. I didn't realize how loudly I was growling until I saw Time Steve and the others back up. I stopped. Didn't mean to scare them. Just Toler.
"Yeah, but should we talk to him first?"
"He can't talk."
"Oh right. Yes and no questions?"
"Sure." I closed my eyes for a second feeling something change as the talked to each other. I opened my eyes again and knew the stage was completed. Everything seemed clear and more detailed and I could see a lot father. It was a good change to say the least.
"Okay first question. Will you run from us if we let you go?" I have the ability to move my head now so I nodded. I guess telling them the truth is the only thing I can do.
"Do you want to run from us?" I shake my head. I don't want to, but I have to. Before I run out of time.
"So.... if you don't want to why?" I didn't answer not like I could of. Toler spoke next.
"Why are you hiding your face?" I growl at him. He knows what's going on and he is suing my friends.
"He does not like you does he?"
"No I don't even knew why. I haven't done anything to-" He was cut off as I cast a spell a large black spike came out of the ground and almost got him. That would of been a great kill if it got him.
"What was that?!" Alex asked freaked out by that.
"I think Sabre did that."
"Well he has magic just didn't know what he could do with it." I tried to break out of the field time had, but couldn't.
"He's trying to break out."
"He really hates you." Alex said to Toler. You would hate him too.
"I noticed. I'm just going to knock him out." I growled as he got closer.
"Maybe we shouldn't do that."
"Time Steve your going to wear yourself out." Galaxy Steve said. Before I could do anything I felt something hit my head and I blacked out.
(Words 879) Sorry guys for the super late update. Writers block is great isn't it?

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now