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Void Steve's point of view
I looked at Sabre and slowly walked up to him. He growls at me and keeps trying to get up. Did he break something in the fall? I'm not sure. He kept growling and he was finally able to stand up. So his legs aren't broken. He was whimpering slightly through the growls.
"What's wrong?" I asked him and he pulled out a sword.
"I just made your drop to the ground and you have been through that what's wrong?" He gets ready to fight when I know very well he can't. I don't know why I'm not just going to do what I planned. Knock him out and keep him captive until he fully turns. I walked up closer to him and he backs up slowly.
"Look, are you going to fight me or not?" He keeps growing at me. I sighed. I don't know why I am doing this. He is soon backed up against a wall and out both of my hands in his shoulders. He drops his sword.
"Sit down." He growled more loudly.
"You can barely stand sit down." I push my hands down and force him to sit down. I get down to his level.
"Is of the scales?" He looks down and shakes his head.
"So now your doing what I ask. Why didn't you do that earlier." He growls again. Since he isn't growling as much I can hear him whimper. I actually felt bad for him again. I shook my head.
"What did I do?" I took off his mask to see the scales have mostly grown in by now. That's good. I looked at him again and put a hand on his back since I knew that were he fell on his back and o felt something. He flinched in pain as I touched it.
"Wings...." I might if read through his journals every once in a while when he slept and I was bored. Sabre nods. I sighed and helped him up. He tries not to use me as support, but I forced him too. He said something, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
"You know I can understand you right?" He nods again and I help him get out of the hole. I am still questioning myself on why I am helping him... I just feel like I should... not forced or anything... I just want to help.
We get into the forest and his wings became more visible. He already had holes in his shirt for his wings. His wings were black and small at the moment. I know they will get bigger though.
Sabre is in a a lot of pain I can tell. He is trying to hide it from me, but I can still tell. I looked away from him it making me feel more bad for him. We find a place for him to rest and I help him sit down, by now his wings we're average for someone his size.
"You can rest. I'll keep watch." I looked at him and he took out a notebook and wrote.
Why are you helping me?
"I..." Can't really answer that. I looked at him and he was still waiting for an answer.
"I'll tell you if I figure it out later. I'll make sure that person doesn't hurt you." He was very skeptical of me I can tell, but eventually he seems to fall asleep or pass out. I can't tell which. It gave me time to think though as my thoughts wander.
I think one of the reasons why I hated Sabre so much was because of how close him and Galaxy Steve are. Why didn't he like me as much as him. I did so much for him and he didn't appreciate what I did for him. Even now he hates me.
I think the second was because of what I control. A Void. Destruction and chaos. How can something like me be good... even though I wanted to be at first.... how can I be good when what I am is the opposite of that.
I think the last thing that I do care for Sabre, because he did help my brother and Elemental Steve who I guided. He was a lot like me in way. I guess I owe Sabre a lot more then I think. I look back at Sabre and sighed.
I don't want to be like this anymore... how do I go back though.... can I even go back.... I guess I won't know until I try.
(Words 779) Sorry short chapter, but double chapter today so... yeah...

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now