Three Against the World

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Time Steve's point of view
I was about to leave to the others when I felt Toler grab me.
"You think I'm going to leave you just like that?"  Of course. I froze him in time and got out of his grip and went back to the others. I let go of him once I saw them.
"Galaxy Steve! Alex! We have a problem."
"A problem?"
"Yes a problem. Toler he-" I was cut off short when Toler came from behind me.
"What did I do Time?"
"Sell Sabre!"
"Sell? Where is he?"
"Your friend isn't a he anymore. That thing is a monster to kill of a machine for recourses. I just made it something."
"What do you mean?!"
"I'll explain later." I told Alex and Galaxy Steve.
"Come on. Why not know?" I saw his friends surround us and all three of us got ready to fight expect me.
"Are you going to kill the only person who know where your friend is?"
"No. We will just come back later."
"Later?" I lifted up my right arm and focused. I quickly froze everyone except me, Alex and Galaxy Steve.
"Time Steve you cant hold that many people at once!" Galaxy Steve said.
"I know, I'm trying to make this easier to fight." Their were about seven people here including Toler. I released two of them so they could each fight one off. Once they did I did it again. One of them went for me and cut my arm. I lowered my arm making me lose my focus and two more people were unfrozen. The only one I could keep frozen in time was Toler. I took out a sword a fought one off and Alex and Galaxy Steve took down the rest so soon we were only left with Toler.
I felt tired and I could tell Galaxy Steve noticed as he steps in front of me. I unfroze Toler.
"A controller of Time. Makes sense."
"Where is Sabre?!" Alex asked angrily.
"I brought him to a buyer so he could use him."
"Never told me his name, but apparently he has done a lot of deals like this." We sighed in defeat knowing we couldn't get anything else out of him. Toler laughed then left. I looked at everyone to see them scratched up.
"How will we find him now?!" Galaxy Steve asked and I sighed.
"I don't know..."
Sabre's point of view
I don't know how long I was in that cage for minutes? Hours? A day? I don't know. I sat against the cave wall hearing D.S talk to me and the scales that grew up my arms as I felt my hands get warmer with heat. I was about to fall asleep when I heard the cage door open. I looked up to see the man who I was sold to.
"Looks like the beast it asleep." I growled at him to tell him otherwise.
"Never mind." He walked up to me and I backed up away from him. While trying to keep a good distance between me and him he launched himself at me. I moved to the side and grabbed him. I forced him to the ground heard a satisfying grunt in pain from him and I ran toward the cage door to get out here when he tackled me to the ground. I tried to get of his grip when he put a sword over the back of my neck.
"Now stay still or else this will hurt more then it has too." He said to me and I stayed still. He had a Diamond Sword in hand the only think that break a dragon's scale that doesn't have to be enchanted. They are hard to get though.
The first thing he did was take off my mask and threw it across the room. When he went for my blindfold I threw a ball of shadow at him growling loudly at him.
"Fine not the blindfold." I sighed with relief and allowed him to do what he wanted to do next. I could use more of my magic on him, but then he would realize how it quickened my process and would force me to use it.
He took off my cloak that showed my silver horns. I don't know what he thought when he saw them because the next thing he did was try to cut them open. He couldn't though. It would leave a mark, but you needed make the diamond to cut a dragon's horns off which is stronger then the scales. It would leave a mark though.
"I guess I'll have to find something else for that later." He said to himself and he took of my shirt to show the scales all over my body as well as the scars I've gotten over the years. Only a few have reached my back their was a lot over my chest, neck, and back. Their are some scales on my legs just not a lot. The symbol I have on my upper shoulder is a black dragon head with reeds under it some of it was covered by the scales which made the symbol silver in the area covered with my black scales. By now the scales were close to my elbows.
He started to cut the scales off my body. I gritted my teeth and bit my tongue to hide the pain. He was trying to get as many scales as he could without it causing to much damage to me. I closed my eyes to make sure I couldn't see the blood the poured out of me, but I couldn't definitely feel it. I felt my mind go fuzzy as he stopped and left me alone to do something. I was to tired to try and get up.
"Look at this. Elan all alone without anyone he can go to." He laughed around me and I didn't say anything. I knew I was.
"Bleeding our because you refused to fight. I can make it so you can fight. I'll make the pain go away." I can handle this pain. My Father was worse then this.
"I wasn't talking about physical." I heard footsteps and ignored them. Right now the only thing I could really focus on was him
"Take my hand Elan. You will be free." He went into his shadow form and reached his hand out to me. I didn't take it. He sighed then disappeared making my realize that someone was trying to get my attention.
"Can you get up?" I heard the man from before say and I shook my head. I probably could, but I didn't feel like it. He kicked my stomach and I could see bandages on the floor next to me. He left the cage leaving me alone again. Which right now I can be grateful for. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
(Words 1159)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now