Whats Up

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Galaxy Steve's point of view
Me and Alex were looking around for Time Steve and Sabre. They were just gone and didn't leave any tracts of where they would go. Why did Time Steve just leave with Sabre? It doesn't make any sense.... well... at least I get to spend some time with Alex. I mean I try to, but Alex knows that I like her. She just doesn't like me. It's probably just me.
"Sabre? Time Steve?" Alex called out getting out of my thoughts.
"I'm starting to think they are far off by now."
"Yeah, but this doesn't make any sense."
"I know. Their shouldn't be a reason."
"Also why would he leave without us?"
"Whatever it is, it's not good." We kept walking around I walked next to Alex and brushed my hand against's hers. She grabbed her hand.
"Galaxy Steve... we talked about this."
"I know, it's just-"
"No buts. We aren't doing this."
"Okay..." I looked down and started walking ahead. We will have to go back to Toler soon.
"You know why I don't want to do this right?" She asked me. I looked at her.
"Origin Steve used to be good. A little like you. Then he became that. The last time I had a relationship with someone they turned evil."
"I won't turn evil though."
"How do I know that?"
"You really think I would turn evil?"
"Yes I do." It felt like a stab in my chest. Once we finished looking around we went back to the camp. I didn't say anything else to Alex. I don't want to make her more mad.
"Any sign of the d-Sabre?" Toler said
"No, we can't find Time Steve either." I said.
"That's okay. I can still tract his energy."
"But every time we go over Sabre runs off."
"We almost got him last time. If it wasn't for your friend letting him escape we wouldn't be in mess."
"How do you know that?"
"The rope was untied and their is no way he could of gotten out on his own."
"I guess your right. I guess we just need to get close, but not to close?"
"Yes, we already have everything unpacked."
"Good. Let's get going." Then in a few minutes we were off and I did my best to keep my distance from Alex. Why can't I just stop loving someone who hated me....
Guardian's point of view
Thankfully the spirit, middle, and under world have been relatively peaceful. So far no signs of attack or problems. Everyone who is here at the town have been doing well.. except Elemental Steve. I can't help but notice he has been off in his own world lately. Everyone has noticed. The Overseer told me he seems like something was off so I decided to look more into it to see he was right. He asked me to talk to him. He has been busy getting everyone and everything ready for an attack. I found Elemental Steve on his own practicing his magic.
"Elemental Steve."
"Hello their Guardian."
"May I ask how you are doing?"
"I am doing alright."
"You have been spacing out a lot lately."
"I know I have. I am just trying to figure out how Galaxy Steve and Time Steve are doing."
"Can they do the same with each other?"
"So how are they doing?" He took a second and took a deep breath.
"My brother seems to be confused and worried. Galaxy Steve seems to be sad and hurt."
"Emotionally. I don't know why they feel like this, but that is how they are doing right now."
"At least they aren't hurt correct?"
"Correct." A pause. I didn't have anything else to say and neither did he.
"I know I am the strongest Steve here." He said without warning.
"I know. Is that bothering you?"
"No, I just hope my powers are enough if we are attacked."
"I think they will."
"What about you Guardian."
"After the code incident with Sabre I have been learning about these balls of light I can now summon. He has armed to accidentally unlock an ability I did not know I had."
"That's good. If you need help controlling your new ability ask me. I have founded that I am good teacher to all steves about their powers and abilities."
"I have noticed. I think it's a gift you have."
"A gift? I believe it's just my powers."
"You are a light spirit. Each light spirit from what I have learn so far has a trait of some sort."
"Light Steve. He is one of the most kindest Steve's you will ever meet. His trait is kindness. I would like to think that Rainbow Steve's trait is friendship. Blue Steve's is spirit and your's I believe is wisdom or teaching."
"I shouldn't be a light Spirt."
"You were under the control of Void Steve."
"I still am."
"You are?"
"He talks to me me sometimes.... that doesn't matter. What about Ghost Steve."
"That is something I question myself. He is a spirit, but is be tied to the land. He can not leave it."
"He can't die either. Do you know anyone who would have the powers to do this?"
"No I do not. He also told me he doesn't remember anything before his time in the catacombs."
"Interesting. I guess we will soon figure out his story."
"I hope so." We looked back at the thriving town.
"What happens when you know Galaxy Steve or Time Steve is hurt?"
"I just feel it. I will tell you when it happens."
"Alright, I need to go back to the spirit world now. If something bad happens you know how to find me."
"I do, farewell."
"Farewell." Then I left.
(Words 1019) Hey guys. I just wanted to ask what do you think Ghost Steve's past is? I would love to hear your guys ideas. I might even use it if you allow it or help me think of one. Rather then that. That's all I have for today.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now