Good V.S Good?

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Sabre's point if view
I woke up the next morning. I still felt tired from yesterday, but I need to get going again. I got up and felt a pain in my back between my shoulder blade and backbone. I sighed knowing what this meant. I looked around getting a stronger feeling of someone watching me. Their is definitely someone here. I looked around the area and couldn't find anyone. I sighed and left the cage and started walking toward the mountains since that's the only thing I can do.
I don't know how long I was was walking for. I was t really paying attention since I don't have anyone to talk to rather then D.S who has been very queit. It is nice and nerve racking at the same time.
The pain in my back has slowly gotten worse. I know I'll have to stop soon to let the wings grow in, but I can't tell exactly when. The mountains are close now. I can see them towering over me already.
I kept walking until I heard something. The sound of a brach snapping. I growled and pulled out my sword. I looked around to see what was out here. I couldn't see anything.
The forest around me was calm and nice. The air has a hint of tension from me looking around for this person who has been following me since I got here. I could use my flames to attack them, but I might light something on fire and start a forest fire. Not a good idea.
I remember a large clearing that I found earlier. I'll go over there.
I walked in that direction keeping my eyes out for the person who was following me. Who is following me and why? Wouldn't they attacked me by now if they wanted to hurt me? Wouldn't they say hi if they wanted to help me? This doesn't make any sense. I went to through the first and soon got to the clearing.
I went to the middle of the clearing and looked around. I would call out to them if they could understand me which I highly doubt. I kept looking around not seeing any movements around the area. I started to relax it might of just been an animal or something.
I started to go back to the forest when I felt electricity run through my body the sound of thunder in my ears. I moved out of the way quickly as lighting strikes the place I was just at. A Steve? Why would they attack me? Unless it's someone with electric powers.
"Hello Sabre." I looked around and recognized the voice. Void Steve? I then saw him flying above me. I looked up at him. I can't respond to him.
"Not going to talk to me after I killed you?" I nod. He summoned more lighting on me. I looked at him confused. Why is he attacking me now? Didn't he help me earlier.
"I was thinking about your adventure your having and I have decided to help you." I got ready to attack. Why in the world would he help me?! I know he did earlier but still. He flew down to the ground.
"It think a Dragon would fit you much better then a human." Has he been watching me the entire time?! I growled at him and summons black spikes from underneath him he for a few scratches but he avoided the one that would of killed him.
"It's strange to see you with powers Sabre." I got my sword and spikes disappeared and I attack him with my sword and he moves out of the way. I fired a ball of fire at him. He counters it with a fireball making a blast of light that hit both of us. I looked back at him.
"I'm just going to keep you until you transform all the way." He said to me and makes gaps in the ground that I had to run around to avoid. I summoned more fire at him and he keeps dodging it sending some fire balls at me. I was able to get away from them. I used my dark magic to hold him in place with black mist and summon a lot of fire at him. He gets hit, but breaks out.
I growl as we just stare at each other for a few seconds feeling the pain in my back grow. I let out a quiet whimper and quickly hid it telling myself not to. He can't know I'm in pain right now. I have to get out of here. I looked around and started to run to the woods. I was stoped by the ground disappearing right in front of them. Another block closer and I would of fall in.
I felt a strong striking pain on my back and felt myself stumble back. I felt something pierce my back. The wings were coming in. Not good. This is really bad. Void Steve flew above my by at least three blocks and looked down at me. He noticed how I stumbled for a second and how I was shaking.
"Your scared? Really?!" He laughed at me and grinned. I didn't have anywhere to run and the Pain was already too much for me. It felt like someone stabbed sword at my shoulder blades that were in flames. Good thin I've been good at hiding pain. I can say that I've felt worse, but it was close to one of the most painful things I've felt.
I suddenly felt the ground beneath me disappear and I fell to the ground my back hitting the ground which caused my to yell in pain. Void Steve came down to my level and looked at me. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I think using my magic from earlier made my wings come in closer. I looked at him and he looked at me. I waited.
(Words 1002)

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now