Bewitching// part five

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c.h: Pool Party

"Levitating candles." Andy huffed. "Damn, if I didn't think they were witches, I would think you were a lying piece of shit." I smirked, rolling my eyes at him as he smiled. "So why are you confused by all this? She's a witch. I'm sure levitation is part of their magic." He tosses his pen in the air as he says this and catches it when it falls back down.

"What was weird is that she looked confused, like she hadn't meant to make the candles float." Andy taps the pen against his chin.

"What do you mean?" I sigh.

"Her facial expression was one that said, 'I didn't do this.' But we were the only two people in the house."

"Maybe she is draining your life." Andy murmured. "You're sure you feel fine?" He demanded. You're not throwing up, feverish, constipated."

"Oh shut up Andy." He started to laugh, throwing his head back.

"Okay, okay, but seriously dude. You're completely fine?" I nodded my head. "Hmm, maybe it takes more time." He paused, thinking before pointing his pen at me. "What does it feel like when she touches you?" When she touches me? I thought about the first time she put her hand on my arm and then our kiss in the woods. It all felt so, riveting. Like electricity coursing through our bodies. I hadn't told the boys about the kiss. Didn't have to tell them everything did I?

"Uh.. I don't know. Weird I guess."

"Weird how?"

"Weird like, I don't want her to stop touching me." I frowned, the sentence sounding sexual. "Like, she touched my arm the day we went into the forest and I didn't want her to let go of me. I guess."

"Huh." He looks away,

"Why, what should it feel like?" I asked.

"Well, when Isabella touched me once, it was almost like if I took drugs. I knew I shouldn't want to keep in contact with her but I couldn't pull away. Afterwards, I just felt tired." Trinity and I had kissed and I didn't feel anything... What was different about me?


We were lounging by Trinity's pool, her friends lying out in the sun or wading in the water while I stood in the shade of her deck and watched the girls. I felt kind of creepy staring at them but I also felt weird because I was the only guy here. Trinity had invited me to this pool party because she thought I might want to get to know her friends.

"Calum!" A voice sang out. I knew who it was without even looking up. Pushing my sunglasses up onto my forehead, I looked out towards Trinity on her pool chair. She motioned for me to come closer and so I walked towards her, putting my drink down on the table I was standing by.

"Yes?" I asked as I got closer to her. She straightened her sun hat on her head and removed her sunglasses, pouting at me. What did I do this time?

"You're being very boring and sad in the corner." She complained. "Don't you want to talk to my friends?" She gestured out to them as Shelby pushed Isabella into the pool, causing Aubrey to jump away from the splash she made when she fell in. "They don't bite, I swear."

"What do you want me to talk about?" I asked.

"I don't know, just get to know them." Trinity said with an air of finality, waving me away. Get to know them? I guess I could try that. Since Daisy was the closest one to me when I went back to my soda, I tried talking to her. She was indifferent to my presence though.

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