Animals// part six

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m.c: Transformation

After nearly two months of knowing Michael, he was finally going to let me watch him shapeshift. Its not like I hadn't seen it before. My dad would shift sometimes when we were younger and I've seen my brother do it plenty of times but I loved just watching it. Despite all the blood.

"Hold this babe." Michael said, stripping off his leather jacket. I quickly put my own arms through it, smelling his cologne as he peeled off his shirt. He glanced over at me, his pale skin looking almost translucent in the moonlight. "You look hot." I blushed red as I also took his shirt from him.

"You're going to leave your pants on?" I asked as he made no move to shed them as well.

"I didn't want to startle you."

"You'll rip them." Michael grinned.

"If you wanted to see me with my pants off baby girl, all you had to do was ask." I turned away from him as he laughed. Michael kissed my hair lightly, his thumb stroking my cheek. "Ill take them off but no looking okay?"

"You're absurd." I muttered as he finished undressing. Michael threw his jeans over a low hanging branch of a tree and took his shirt from me to do the same.

"I'll keep my shorts on so you don't freak out." He smirked and I hit his arm lightly.

"It's not like I've never seen a guy naked before." I reminded him.

"It's a little different when it's your boyfriend though Lydia." He was right. Seeing my brother naked was one thing, my dad another but Michael... He was my.. Did he just call himself my boyfriend? Crouching on the ground, Michael pressed his hands flat against the dirt. The moonlight streaming through the trees gave this scene an almost eerie feeling.

As I stared at Michael's back, I began to hear the small cracking and popping noises of his bones. I walked slowly around him so I could see his face. His now dyed black hair hung low in his face and he winced as a sickening crack made him shudder lightly.

Michael arched backwards, another loud crack sounding. He looked like he was about to break his spine as sweat shone on his body. He cried out slightly as his shoulders seemed to be shifting in and out of place and the skin on his arms and hands began to melt away.

When he pitched forward again, I heard a low growl as he opened his eyes. They were narrower and a different color. Michael grinned at me before he began convulsing on the ground, tearing at his skin with the new claws on his hands. I turned away a little bit at all the blood but I could still hear Michael crying out in pain before they subsided into growls.

Turning around again, I found a wolf. It was dark in color with piercing blue eyes. It stood taller than me, around 5'10 maybe and shook out the blood on his fur almost majestically. Michael walked over to me and put his head under my hand. I laughed a little, running my hands through his silky fur.

"You're gorgeous as a wolf." I said softly. Michael grunted and I laughed. He was probably saying something like, I'm always gorgeous. "I don't speak wolf." He snorted and looked back into the forest.

"What is it?" Michael didn't reply, he just growled into the darkness. "Michael." I whispered as he stood in front of me protectively. He was still growling but I couldn't see anything in the darkness. He could probably see the threat better than I could. He let off a warning snarl before nudging me backwards. "Michael.." I said again, getting a little scared. He barked at me, glaring at me with his wolffish eyes before gesturing behind him. "What?" I asked. He made the gesture again and I understood, I climbed onto his back.

I had never ridden a horse before, let alone a giant wolf. It almost felt surreal as Michael raced through the forest. I clung to the fur on his neck, feeling the wind blow my hair back. It would have been thrilling, if I wasn't so scared of someone or something following us.

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