Blood// part eight

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h.s: Beating Hearts

Harry was wary about me leaving the house. I kept telling him I was going to be fine. Anthony had left. He said he was just passing through but he was still cautious. "That bastard wants to ruin my life for no goddamn reason. I didn't do anything to him." Harry grumbled crossing his arms. I kissed him lightly.

"Harry, I'll be fine. I'm not going far. It's within your hearing range, if you hear me screaming, come running."

"Good thing I know what you sound like when you're screaming." Harry muttered looking away. Another blush worthy moment. I hit him lightly, rolling my eyes.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours."


Standing outside my parents house, I sighed. It had gotten a little easier talking to them but they kept acting like I had never died in the first place. They weren't mental so they didn't ask how my day at school was or anything but they asked how I was feeling, if I was eating right. If I even mentioned anything relating to vampires like blood, my mother pretended not to hear me or told me not talk about that "stuff" around them. They thought I was killing random innocent people.

"Mom! No. Harry and I steal blood bags from the hospital. Not a lot, just a bag or two here or there. We know people actually need it to stay alive. The only people we kill are people who are killers themselves."

"We will not talk about this in my house!" My dad shouted at me. I guess they couldn't see me as a murderer. They wanted to keep this perfect little image of me in their head but I needed them to understand that's not who I was anymore.

I knocked on my parents door.

"There you are sweetheart!" My mom exclaimed. I smiled a little as she hugged me. "Come in, come in. We were just about to eat dinner."

"Mom I don't.." I began but she gave me a stern look. I swallowed hard. "What's for dinner?" Dinner was meatloaf, something that I had been my favorite when I was human but not so much anymore. All I could think about while eating it was how much better it would taste drenched in blood rather than ketchup.

It was almost like a normal family diner. Except, unlike when I was human, I didn't finish my food and there was a sort of weird tension in the air. They walked me to the door as I left. "So.. I'll come by tomorrow again, same time." I said slowly, with a smile.

"Of course sweetheart. We'll be waiting for you."

"It's great to see you Annie." My dad said with a warm smile. He was always saying that now. Maybe he thought I would disappear.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." I said before hugging them.

"We love you too honey." My mom whispered, hugging me tightly. I headed back to Harry's house after that. I had been with them for too long and Willow's mother was already home.  I would call her cell when I got back to Harry's and explain why I hadn't visited.


The next day, as I said, I visited my parents.

When I rang the doorbell they didn't answer right away which was unusual. I told them I was coming over. I listened carefully for any sounds coming from inside the house. That was the funny thing though, other than the normal electrical appliances I didn't hear anything. Not even a heartbeat.

I kicked the door in. I smelled the blood immediately. It was smeared on the hardwood floor. My throat tightened. Blood? From what? What had happened? Running through all of the downstairs, I didn't find anyone and the blood led up the stairs.

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