Plummet// part three

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l.t: Angeli Dei

The assholes name is Jacob Garrison and he nearly beat Delilah half to death almost two years back. I was so angry I could just feel my heavenly wrath trying to find an outlet. Who said angels weren't vengeful?

After Delilah told me about her boyfriend, she could tell I was upset. "Louis, it was a long time ago and he was a jerk. I'm better now." She insisted, touching my arm. That calmed me down a bit but I still wanted answers.

"How could he do that to you? You're such a sweet girl. You didn't deserve something like that." Delilah blushed and looked away.

"I don't know why he did it. Jacob got angry a lot and sometimes he took it out on me. It wasn't like that at first though. He punched a wall once, smashed a lamp. Then something just sort of snapped in him and he turned on me."

"That's awful. No man should ever hit a girl." I didn't know why I was so angry over such a silly human affair. It had nothing to do with me. Every time I pictured somebody laying their hands on her though or Delilah pleading for him to stop, blood covering her face I was met with blinding white energy flashing behind my eyes and the incredible need to find this asshole and make him pay.

"I know. The only time he ever hit me was then. It was subsequently the same time he tried to kill me. I broke up with him, lawsuit, restraining order. He's long gone, in a college on the other side of the country." That didn't make me feel any better."Come on, we'll be late to class." She said softly, continuing down the hall. Following after her quietly I began to concoct a plan. I had enough information about this Jacob to go find him. Just because he was on the other side of the country, didn't mean he was safe from me.

I was distracted all of class. I kept glancing at Delilah every now and then and back at the teacher who was already droning on and on about Shakespeare. I took this class, partly because Delilah was in it, but also because I would be able to understand it. I did see a lot of Shakespeare's plays back in the day.

Delilah gestured for me to pay attention to the teacher after I spaced out and I sighed, shifting around in my seat and flicking my eyes back up to the boring old man. I could probably teach the class better than he could. I had been wandering this earth practically since it's creation. I knew more about world events than anyone. That's wat I should have done with my exile, became a teacher and show off my vast knowledge. I did like showing off.

"Mr. Tomlinson." He was just now calling role? I raised my hand slightly and he nodded in my direction. I leaned forward in the desk and put my hand under my chin as he began to pass out instructions for a paper that would be due in two weeks. An assignment already? What was with the American school system?

"Here." A soft voice said. I glanced back at the girl behind me. She was passing me a stack of papers. I took them from her and passed them along, grabbing one as I did. Why was I even bothering with work? I could not do anything and then make the teacher give me a good grade in the class. I also had boundless knowledge so it probably wouldn't even be too hard to accomplish these tasks.

The teacher let us go early and I shoved the paper into the backpack I had taken from some store. If I was going to be a college student, I had to look the part. Which meant I was going to have to dress like the other males around this crummy campus.

"Um.. I'll see you later Louis. I have to go to another class but I'll talk to you later." Delilah said, already moving down the hallway away from me. I watched her go, having enough self-control not to go after her and follow close behind her, unseen. After what she had told me, I wanted to protect her. From everything. But if I wanted to protect her from everything, then trying to get close to her was something I shouldn't do.

She waved goodbye, smiling. I waved back but didn't smile. I never understood happiness. Anger, I understood. Happiness was a mystery. Walking in the opposite direction, I headed for the double door exit. There was some unfinished business I had to attend to. Pushing open the doors, I didn't even bother to walk through them before I whisked myself away in a heavenly ascent.

Despite no longer being an angel of heaven, I could still use heavens passageways. According to Gabriel though, it makes a lot of the newer angels nervous when they sense the darker energy. It has been explained many a time to them that despite having access to such power, I couldn't use it to get back into heaven. Unfortunately for me.

Arriving somewhere in California, I began to try to zero in on this Jacob Garrison. I had pinpointed the state and now I needed to do a finer search. Shutting my eyes, I listened to the human chatter of the city, listening for his name. When I zeroed in on him, he was in his apartment, having a fight with a new girlfriend. She was terrified, shouting at him to stop. I had to act fast.

I may have still looked like a regular human guy when I dropped down into their apartment but I was about to go full blown angel. "Who the hell are you?" Jacob shouted in my face. My eyes flickered with heavenly light and he stumbled back. I grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up in the air. The girl screamed.

"Leave." I said to her, not bothering to turn. She hurriedly grabbed her things and ran for the door before I threw the douchebag across the room. He smashed into the wall and began to get up, touching his throats and gasping for air.

"Look punk, that fight was between me and my girlfriend." I shoved him up against the wall without even lifting a finger. He looked terrified now. "What the hell are you?" He demanded, trying to move himself.

"A girl, two years back. You nearly beat her to death." He glared at me.

"You're here because of that bitch Delilah? She had that coming to her. She's lucky I didn't kill her." Jacob snarled. I ground my teeth.

"Wrong choice of words." My blackened sword appeared in my hands as my wings unfurled from my back. 

"Hey, hey look man I'm.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that."

"Yes you did." I said, closing my left hand around his throat again. "You meant every damn word Jacob Garrison." His eyes bugged out hearing his name. "Your soul is dark. There's evil in your heart. You'll become a demon in hell. There is no heaven for you." Letting go of him, I raised my sword and he screamed as I swung down. The sword went through him of course, all it really did was mark his soul for damnation.

"L-look. I'll do better." He began to beg. "I'll treat girls with more respect. I swear."

"You're lying Jacob." I said, shaking my sword free of what was left of his good graces. "I would know, I practically invented it."

"Who, who are you?" He asked as my wings folded back in, hidden from sight. My sword disappeared from my hands as I glared at him.

"My names Lucifer." And with that, I shot off back to South Carolina.

The next day, when I saw Delilah she seemed off. When I asked her about it, she pursed her lips and paused before saying, "You remember that ex-boyfriend I told you about?"

"Jacob?" I questioned. She nodded.

"He killed himself last night."

"How do you know that?"

"Natalia, my roommate, she's friends with a guy who had been friends with him while he still went here. He's the one who told her and then she told me."

"Why are you upset?" I asked. "He hurt you."

"Doesn't mean I wanted him to die." She sighed. "I just think it's weird that I was talking about him to you yesterday and he kills himself that night. I'm not saying it's a coincidence or anything because that's dumb." It kind of was. "It's just weird thinking that he's gone I guess." I didn't reply because I didn't know what to say. She shouldn't have been upset. She shouldn't even be thinking of him. He was an asshole and I was glad he was dead.

The title is in Latin. It says Angel of God.

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