Chapter One~ Kit Alone on the Side of the Road

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Janus was trotting around the farm's outskirts of land, his golden brown and black pelt glistening with heath from all the mice he's eaten back at the barn. The lean tom sniffed the grass and plants around him for anything of interest, but found nothing. He was just enjoying the nice summer day were the intense heat isn't pouring down on his black and tan pelt relentlessly. These were the summer days Janus relished. The tom could often be found curled up in a patch of sun or wandering the long abandoned farm land for some leg stretching.

Janus had just made it to the edge of the barn cats' territory, the long, hard, grey thunder path human monsters run on occasionally marking it perfectly for him. Monsters typically don't run here that often as it was decently far away from other humans, but some still came. Janus wrinkled his nose at the fowl oder coming off of the hard surface, but another smell joined it.

One of blood and death.

Janus, startled, looked around the edges of the thunder path for their source of the smell. He found it on the other side of the grey lane, a limp figure covered in blood laying at the end. Janus could tell from where he was standing that the figure was a cat, dark grey in color with some white markings. Blood was pooling around it's body and there was no doubt to Janus that it had been a victim to a monster.

Janus felt his stomach twist at the gruesome sight and turned his head so he didn't have to see it again. Instead his eyes landed on a strange clump of grass a few tail lengths away from him. Curious the calico started over to the clump to find two tiny kits curled up in the grass. On was black with white markings while the other was a stormy grey tabby. Realization flooded Janus like a soaking of freezing water. The cat on the thunder path was these kits mother. She must've been crossing to scope out a safe place to raise her kits, and either never made it across or never made it back to her kits.

Janus nosed the stormy grey kit only to find it stiff and cold with death. Janus huffed his saddened before looking over at the black kit. Surely if the grey kit didn't survive neither did this one. Even so the tom nosed the black lump of fur. To his great surprise and joy the kit let out a frustrated mew from being woken from its slumber, thrashing its small paws against Janus' muzzle. Janus' mismatched eye lit up with joy and he started grooming the black kitten, ridding it's fur of all dust, dirt, and grass. Once done he decided that this kit didn't deserve to die out here alone and that the barn had plenty of mice to spare. He picked the mewling kit up by the scruff, but not before burying the other kit so it can rest in peace and not in the stomach of some greedy buzzard.

Then, with kit in jaw, he started making his way back to the barn with his new adopted son.

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