Chapter Thirty-IDK~ Five Kits on a Sidewalk [Pt1]

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Nico and Loki were playing outside in their backyard, but under strict orders by their fathers to not stray far from home. Loki had Nico pinned under him and was nipping his brother's ear when he heard talking from the sidewalk in front of their house.

"It's this way! I swear!" a voice squeaked, followed by several light thumps of paws steps.

"Toffee you have terrible scents of direction if you think it's that way!" a slightly higher pitched voice mewed.

"Well Spice if you're so smart which way is it?" hissed another and at this point Nico and Loki were slightly concerned by how many cats there were.

"Shut up Halo! You're the one who said the last turn what the right one!" the higher mewing voice sneered.

"Guys let's not fight. If we fight then we'll break up like some band and just get even more lost. We just need to relax," a rather calm voice said, but only got hisses in return.

"Can it, Sugar! We don't need your dumb hippy bullshit here!" the second cat the twins heard hissed.

"Spice stop being rude! Sugar is just trying to keep everyone calm and you're just being a pest!" a new voice said, all other chatter going quiet.

"Caramel. . . you never yell," whispered the cat who Loki assumes was Toffee.

"Well you all are pulling at my whiskers right now! Dad said he would meet us here and Pa couldn't come because he was busy! I'm just trying to keep the peace along with Sugar. It's hard having four siblings and always being the happy one," the cat who must've been Caramel muttered.

Loki, who had been eavesdropping with Nico the entire time, decided it was time to see who these cats were. He trotted out from behind the house over to the sidewalk, Nico skittering behind him as they saw five kits who looked to be around the same age as them, if a bit older, just standing, sitting, or laying on the sidewalk.

"Hey, are you guys lost?" Loki called, attracting the five kits' attention.

"Oh, um, hello. Um, yeah, kinda," a small, fluffy white kit with a creamy face and tail said, shuffling nervously on small paws.

"Well we can help. My name is Loki, I'm gender fluid so I use all pronouns and this is my twin," the black and white kit said.

"Oh, I'm Nico, Loki's twin, and I use he/him pronouns," meowed Nico, ears flat on his head because of anxieties of meeting new cats.

"I'm Halo, I use she/her pronouns," the fluffy white cat said.

"I'm Toffee, he/him or they/them pronouns," a darker brown kit standing just behind Halo and next to a lean darker brown colored cat said.

"Names Sugar, I typically use they/them pronouns since I'm nonbinary, but I'll use any of them. I'm not picky," said a very fluffy off-white cat who was laying on the ground next to the caramel colored cat.

"Spice, he/him only," grumbled a ginger kit.

"And I'm Caramel, she/her pronouns, but I'll take any in all honesty," said the last cat, nervously looking down at the hard grey ground and flicking her tail tip.

"Well, what're you all doing here? You said you were lost, but were y'all looking for someone?" asked Loki, tilting his head.

"Well we're were supposed to meet our other father here, but someone didn't know which direction to go," said Spice while casting a sour look at Toffee.

"Look it's not my fault I inherited dad's terrible scents of direction!" defended Toffee, Spice rolling his eyes and Halo giggling.

"Well who is your father? We might know him," Loki looked between the five siblings.

"His name is Remy-" Caramel started.

"Hey I know him!" interrupted Nico, his ears perking up.

"You do? Since when?" asked Loki.

"Well if you ever stuck around to listen dad tells us stories about some of his adventures when he was around our age. One of them included his half brother Remy," Nico rolled his eyes at Loki's cluelessness. For someone who claims to be smart he don't seemed to enjoy exercising his intelligence unless to one up their uncles.

"Oooohhhhhhhh. That guy. Isn't he the one who help dad when he fractured his femur?" asked Loki, trying to recall the story.

"Hey we know him! Our dad told us about this cat he found lost and tried to help back home," said Sugar.

"Good to know we're talking about the same cats. Also, you're in the right spot. Remy will somethings come here to visit our dad on occasions, though we never have gotten to meet him," said Nico.

"Then I guess we wait," mewed Caramel.

The counsel (of me, myself, and I) have made a decision for the 5k special.
I've decided to do a me Q and A along with a fan art thing if anyone wants to draw something. You can ask me questions like how I get ideas, stay motivated, get up in the morning, hobbies, but nothing personal like my name, birth date, state (cause I'm in 'Mercia) I live in (though I'll let y'all guess. Hint on my account page), face reveal (cause I'm not about to break the internet with that), or other stuff like that.
Fan art is 110% optional. Nobody has to draw anything if they don't want to, but if you do want to lemme know and I'll find a way to put it on the special.

Now that that's done I have two more things. Number one; kits
Halo- small fluffy white she-kit with a creamy gingerish face and tail, baby blue eyes
Toffee- slightly fluffy light brown tom with darker face, legs, and tail, emerald green eyes
Sugar- fluffy (he looks like a cottenball with four tiny twig legs) off-white nonbinary with light ginger paws, light blue, almost grey, eyes
Spice- lean bright light ginger tom with a darker ginger ringed tail, blue eyes
Caramel- lean caramel brown she-kit with darker tail and face, bluish green eyes

Number two: stories (yes this has been posted on another one of my stories. I just need answers)
Once I'm done writing two of my other stories (specifically "Abhor" and "Pounding Hooves and Thunderstorms" 'cause those two have actual plot) what story would y'all like to read/ for me to write next? I got three ideas so far (all Sanders Sides aus)
1. Fantasy & Animal AU
2. Unicorn AU
3. Winged Wolf/ Original Animal Species AU

I've got basic story ideas for all of the AUs, and yes, all are Analogical, but idk about other ships. There's Moxeit and Royality in at least one of those stories

Which one would y'all read or are most interested in?

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