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Okay, I didn't get that many questions, but that is okay! I'll just do the ones asked. Also I added a meme

To: Marble, Shell, and Knight
Q: Who's your favorite cat?
Knight, Marble, and Shell, in unison: Tipsy
Tipsy: :3
Everyone else: :/

To: Virgil
Q: what's your favorite thing about Logan?
Virgil: his ability to deal with my bs
Logan: love we've talked about this. Anxiety is not bs
Virgil: maybe not to you

To: Logan
Q: what do you think of your kits?
Logan: they're my kits. I love them with all my heart even when they get into mischief
Loki: like the time we unpotted the roses
Logan, scarred from the incident: we will not speak of that time

To: Roman
Q: are the kits a whiskerful?
Roman: FINALLY! Okay, well the kits don't bother me that much-
Remus, in the distance: that's because you're boring!
Roman, being overdramatic: sHUt uP!

To: Patton
Q: do you Roman-tically love Ro, and if so, why?
Patton: uhm, no I don't because I'm acearo and Roman is aro. But I do love him as a son!
Roman: love you padre
Patton: 😽
Janus: why do I even know you two?

To: Remus
Q: what do you hate about your brother?
Remus: his over dramaticness and constant thirst for attention
Roman: *offended princy noise*
Remus: oh and how easy he is offended, but that can be fun too

To: Nico and Loki
Q: favorite cat?
Nico: probably my dads because they're always there for us and one of them carried us for three months then gave birth to us and nursed us for another month
Loki: I love my dads too, but the most hilarious cat here has got to be uncle Remus! Like damn is he a hoot an a half!
Remus: hehe
Roman: :/

To: Remy
Q: do you plan on visiting them all?
Remy: I wanted to but I've been a bit busy
Emile, from a distance: Remy the kittens are coming for you!
Remy, on the verge of his fifth existential crisis and being swarmed by his tiny, fluffy spawns: RaISinG FiVE KitTeNs iS Not EaSy!
Emile: you're doing amazing sweetie

To: me
Q: what do you like most about this story?
Me: that people are reading and liking my garbage

Yes you can request such a thing

I'm willing to do a part two if anyone has anymore questions for the cats or me, or you want to add questions.

All questions here submitted by Jadafang

Not Your Ordinary Family {Sanders Sides cat AU}Where stories live. Discover now