Chapter Thirty~ Heat

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This has implied sex, if you don't like it you may leave this chapter.
And yes, I am giving you all permission to question my sanity. Go right ahead. I have no issue with that

When Virgil woke up that morning he did not expect anything important to happen, but he did feel strangely affectionate, wanting someone to curl up with him. He pushed that thought away and got up from his bed, heading to the living room where everyone usually gathered in the morning. When he got there Virgil saw Thomas sitting on the couch tapping his phone. Virgil leaped up next to him and began rubbing his body against his human's arm, the need for affection strong.

Thomas smiled and stroked his hand over Virgil's spine, the tom cat purring loudly. Chuckling Thomas picked Virgil up and set him in his lap, Virgil uncharacteristically rolling onto his back despite telling everyone at one point that "I'll never go onto my back for that human unless I'm dead or unconscious." So when Janus walked in to find Virgil stretched out on his back in Thomas' lap while getting stroked he was incredibly confused. He even went so far as to call the others for a meeting, Remus in charge of watching Virgil and the kits while they discussed the matter.

"So does anyone have any idea as to why Virgil might be acting like this?" asked Janus.

"Well we know he isn't touch starved, Logan practically cuddles with him all day, every day," said Roman.

"Although an exaggeration, you do have a point. Virgil is in no way touch starved and I can't help but pick up a strange scent coming off him," Logan said.

Janus sniffed and so did Patton before both of their eyes widened.

"Fuck," Patton -PATTON- said, shocking literally everyone.

"Virgil's in heat. God damn it," huffed Janus.

"But Virgil isn't a she-cat nor transgender or transsexual," said Roman.

"He's intersexual like I was before I got fixed. He can carry and birth kittens which leads him to go into heat," explained Patton.

"Well what should we do?" asked Logan.

"I guess just go with it. We just can't let him go outside in case other cats would want to take advantage of him. Logan since you two are mates you're in charge of taking care of him," said Janus, standing up.

"How are we going to explain this to the kits?" Patton asked.

"They're too young for this to have any effect on them. We'll just say he needs love and cuddles," Janus meowed.

The cats walked into the living room to find Virgil rolling around on the floor, twisting around as if he was trying to fold himself into some obscure shape. Shell, Knight, and Marble were scampering around him, mewing excitedly at Virgil's playfulness.

"Good luck Logan," Roman whispered.

Logan glared at the cat and rolled his eyes, walking over to his mate.

"Heya Logan!" Virgil mewed, smiling brightly at him,

"Hello Virgil. How're you doing?" asked Logan.

"I'm feeling weird. I want love Logan! Please love me!" said Virgil, still rolling around on his back, tail flicking.

Logan flicked his ear, trying to remain calm, but he's never been in a situation like this.

"Uh. How about we go to our room to cuddle. Would that help?" offered Logan.

"Okay!" Virgil perked up, bouncing to his paws.

The two then started up the stair, Virgil pressing himself against Logan and purring loudly. Logan wished he could say this wasn't arousing, but then he would be lying. They made it to their room and Virgil flopped onto the ground, rolling and stretching again, before looking Logan dead in the eyes.

"I want kittens," he said in the most serious voice Logan had heard.

"V-Virgil we already have kits. Shell, Knight, and Marble," Logan tried to distract him.

It's not like Logan was oppose to the idea of having kits with Virgil, he always did and they had talked about it several times. After all, they did love the three musketeers, but it didn't feel like they were theirs to love. Every time he was put in charge to watch one or all Logan felt as if he were babysitting a younger sibling rather than his own kit. The two wanted kits of their own.

"No. I want our own kits. Kits I carry and birth. I want to make kittens," Virgil said, rolling onto his stomach and looking at Logan.

"Are you sure. You're not in the best state of mind," said the slightly older tom.

"Yes. Help me make kittens," Virgil demanded, putting his head on his paws.

"Okay. If you insist," purred Logan, walking over to his mate.

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