Chapter Sixteen~ Long Way From Home (Pt4)

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"Alright hon, so Tipsy lives on the far side of the neighborhood so it should just be a nice stroll there," Remy said as they trotted past more wooden fences.

"Okay. Thank you Remy," Virgil said as the pair strolled past a alleyway between two houses.

Virgil suddenly stopped before backing up to look into the alley. It was a typical looking alley, a straight tunnel to the road with some human trash piled against the walls and a large dumpster near the back end. What really caught Virgil's eye was that there were about ten to fifteen cats in the alley, some eating, some chatting, but most were looking up at the dumpster where a black and white cat laid. They were sprawled out carelessly, their black white tipped tail flicking lazily as they seemed to be talking to the cats below. Virgil narrowed his eyes as he studied this cat, them being black in color with white around his eyes, a white muzzle, chest, paws, underbelly and tail tip along with a few scars littering his pelt. The most distinguishing feature was their sharp emerald green eyes that reminded Virgil of someone, but he couldn't quite placed his paw on who.

"Virgil hon why'd ya stop?" Remy asked, creeping up behind Virgil and following his eyes.

Virgil felt Remy tense up and could sense the stress flowing off of him in waves. He felt the brown cat grab his scruff and try to pull him away from his cover behind the fence, but Virgil resisted.

"Virgil, gurl, we should go. Right now," Remy hissed in his ear, but Virgil ignored it.

He felt surprisingly confident and curious all the sudden and marched out of his hiding spot up to the cat.

"Hey! You up there!" Virgil called, drawing all the other cats' attention to him.

The cat atop the dumpster narrowed his emerald eyes and leaped down, strutting up to Virgil.

"Can I help you?" they said in a low growl.

"What's you're name?" demanded Virgil as he held his head and tail high.

"Titan, and who are you? By the looks of it you look like a petty lil' human thing," the cat, Titan, smirked.

"I'm Virgil and, yes, I am a house cat. You have a problem with that?" Virgil asked, whipping his tail back and forth along with unsheathing his long black claws.

"What if I do? What're you gonna do about it?" Titan hissed, the fur along his back spiking up.

"I'll keep your claws as trophies once I'm done with you," Virgil sassed, an overwhelming feeling of confidence flowing through is veins.

"I'd like to see you try shrimp," the cat laughed.

"Try me chicken bone," Virgil purred, getting the reaction he so wished for.

The cat snarled and sprang at him, Virgil moving elegantly to the side and avoiding him before tackling Titan from above. Virgil kept the cat pinned underneath him, claws sinking into his shoulders as the black tom writhed on the ground. Titan managed to flip onto his back and kick Virgil off before leaping onto him. Virgil felt a strong wave of pain wash over him and a strong stinging on his ear before springing to his paws and shoving this clearly underweight tom to the ground, one paw on his white chest the other holding his head to the ground.

Titan was clearly struggling to win, his breathings shallow as if he had a blockage in his throat and his chest was heaving. Virgil too felt short of breath, his throat dry and his lungs laboring to get him oxygen.

"Under-underestimate m-me much," virgil gasped, getting off the tom.

"I will admit, you're a good fighter. Virgil was it?" Titan admitted, heaving himself to his paws.

Virgil was about to answer, but was interrupted by a certain brown cat.

"Holly shit Virgil. Gurl you got some mad skills," said Remy, trotting over.

"Remy? What're you doing back here son?" Titan asked, shocking Virgil.

"Son?" the young to sputtered, looking between the two cats in bewilderment.

"Oh, yeah. Hon this is my father," Remy said, lowing his ears.

Idk if you could tell, but Virgil actually has developed asthma because the fire and how much smoke he inhaled before Janus rescued him. Idk if you picked up on it because I'm trash at describing literally anything so I'll tell you now.

Not Your Ordinary Family {Sanders Sides cat AU}Where stories live. Discover now