Chapter Thirty-Three~ Unexpected, But Not Unwelcome

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Logan had low expectations when he went to check on Virgil. He didn't expect for there to be mewing, he wasn't expecting there to be the sweet scent of milk in the air, and he most certainly wasn't expecting there to the two tiny kittens nursing at Virgil's side.

"Hi Logan," Virgil breathed softly while barely opening his eyes.

"Hello Virgil. When did these come out?" asked Logan while crawling into the safe spot with Virgil, laying down behind him.

"A bit ago. I named them too. The mostly black one is Nico and the one with the most white is Loki," said Virgil, laying his head against Logan's soft chest.

"Wonderful names love. You did great, so now you can rest," Logan said, lovingly giving Virgil a lick between the ears.

Within seconds of that notion Virgil was fast asleep with the tiny black and white puffballs at his side. Logan kept watch over his family, tail brushing Virgil's flank and chin resting between his ears. Their lives had just gotten much more interesting.

Ight, so what are some shenanigans and tomfooleries y'all want to see the disaster duo, and trouble twins called Nico and Loki do? Lemme know

Also later on y'all will learn something interesting about Loki

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