Chapter Thirteen~ Long Way From Home (Pt1)

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I would like to thank everyone who read and voted on my other stories, it means so much to me. I drew y'all a nice picture of our six goofy cats up above to show y'all my thanks, because seriously, it means the world to me. Love y'all, y'all're amazing!
Also I would like to introduce y'all to the new mini series that'll be happening. Since no one has commented requests lately I've decided to make a mini series dedicated to Virgil and a little adventure he finds himself in. Hope y'all enjoy the adventure.

Virgil sat on the window ledge with his black tail swinging below him. The window itself was open and a few feet away was a tree where a robin was teasing him. The black tom pinned his ears back and narrowed his eyes. Sure, he was only six months old, but that didn't mean he couldn't make the jump and catch the asshole of a bird. Virgil bunched his muscles and zeroed in on his prey before pushing off the window ledge and leaping for the bird. 

The robin flew away and Virgil felt something slap him across the face. He jerked in the air and started to fall, but out of instinct he twisted in the air, moving his feet to face the ground. His head then turned and he landed on the grass with a soft thunk.

The cat shook his head to clear his thoughts then looked over to his house, starting to think of how to get back inside. Suddenly something bright and colorful flashed in his peripheral vision. He looked over to see a black and blue butterfly fluttering around the grass. Virgil gasped then chased it, bouncing and pouncing at the beautiful insect as it flew close to the ground.

Virgil chased his friend for a while, getting farther and father away from his home. Before he knew it he was in a completely different location, his home nowhere in sight. Virgil had the butterfly pinned gently under his paws and he was watching it flutter about. He then released it, his friend booping his nose before flying away.

Virgil smiled before turning around to head home before realizing he didn't know which way home was. Virgil looked in all directions but found nothing familiar.

"Shit," he muttered, remembering how Remus told him that word was only for special occasions, "Oh shit I'm lost."

Not Your Ordinary Family {Sanders Sides cat AU}Where stories live. Discover now