Chapter Twenty-Nine[RQ]~ Spooky Scary Ghostie

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"Knight are you sure this is a good idea?" Marble squeaked while looking at their black brother

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"Knight are you sure this is a good idea?" Marble squeaked while looking at their black brother.

"Of course Marble! What better way to scare Uncle Virgil and Uncle Remus than this?" said the black brother.

"Good luck. Uncle Remus is only scared of the supernatural and Uncle Virgil doesn't seem to be scared of anything!" huffed Shell.

"Well if we pretend there's a ghost then we can at least scare Uncle Remus," insisted Knight as the three siblings sat in their room.

"A ghost? Yer lookin' fer a ghost?!" a hollow voice whispered.

The kits' fur bristled as they jumped up and looked around the room, noticing the curtains were rustling as if shifted by wind and the room's temperature seemed to drop.

"W-who's there?" Shell squeaked, nervously looking around.

"We're warning you! Our uncle is a ghost slayer!" added Knight who was pressed against Shell's flank with Marble.

The kits watched as a tall, wisp like figure started to form by the bed, as their Uncle Janus told them it was called. The figure looked like their human Thomas, but was translucent and seemed to be tinted with a reddish orange color.

"I found ye a ghost lil friends!" the figure chuckled, leaning half heartedly on the wall.

  Before the figure could continued the kittens screamed and bolted out of the room, running down the hallway to the living room.

"Uncle Virgil! Uncle Remus!" the three kits cried as they came running up to the older two, tumbling over each other in a panic.

They were panicking and hid behind their Uncles' backs, under their bodies and beneath their tails.

"Oh jeez, what did you break now?" Remus sighed.

"We didn't break anything!" squeaked Shell while looking slightly offended, but terrified nonetheless.

"But we keep hearing something!" whimpered Marble who was trying to attach themselves to Remus' flank.

"Oi! What're ya wee ones runnin' fer? I was just tryin' ta talk!" the figure called, sauntering down the hallway.

"He's gonna kill us!" wailed Shell, hiding underneath Virgil.

"We didn't mean to!" sobbed Knight who was pressing himself against Remus' back.

"Please don't hurt us!" Marble cried from under both Virgil and Remus' tails after realizing Remus' flank wasn't a suitable hiding spot.

"Knight, Shell, Marble, did you three interrupt Sean's shanty?" Virgil asked while looking down at the kits.

"What?" the troublesome triplets said in unison.

"Sean is our resident ghost. He sings his shanty everyday at 1 o'clock in the afternoon for only us cats to hear. It makes him feel better after being killed at a pub, inability him from returning his ship and going home to Ireland and his husband," chuckled Remus.

"He's been our friend since he terrified Remus, Roman, Logan, Patton, and Thomas with his singing and moving about. Remus and I had to go talk to him. We became friends and Thomas hasn't been worried that his house is haunted since," said Virgil.

"Yup! Sorry if I scared ya wee ones!" said Sean, kneeling down and scratching Shell under the chin.

"Oh. Okay. Sorry Mr. Sean," said Marble as the three kits crawled out of their hiding spots.

"It's grand lil ones! I've been havin a whale of a time!" Sean smiled.

"See you later?" Virgil asked.

"Sure thing! I'm gonna head on. See ya later!" said Sean before disappearing.

"He's cool," said Shell.

"Yes, now what was this about scaring us?" said Virgil with the raise of an eyebrow.

"What! How did you know?!" squeaked Knight.

"We see and hear everything that goes on around here. Do you honestly think we wouldn't know?" asked Remus.

"That and the fact that Remus followed you all," added Virgil.

Remus whipped his head to look at Virgil who was smirking.

"Feck you," snapped Remus causing them all to snicker.

Number one; so I'm getting real tired of saying this over and over again. Therefore I'll just say it one more time; please read, vote, and comment on my warriors AU.

I'd like to thank Jadafang for voting and commenting on the story. Love you, appreciate you

And I've decided to go shout out a follower who votes and comments on 'Abhor" for every chapter to show my undying gratitude and love

Hot take for anyone wanting to write a Sanders Sides Human AU; Buzzfeed Unsolved AU

Virgil as Shame Madej and Remus as Ryan Bergara. The other sides can be guest stars like Curly.
If someone writes this I want credit for the idea and I'll need you to tell me so I can check it out.

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