Chapter Twenty-Five~ The Dreaded Day

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So I have a question. Now that Deceit has a confirmed name (watch the new video if you haven't seen it yet) should I go back through this book (and others) and change Ethan to Deceit's actual name since he has one? It only seems right, but what do y'all think?

Edit- 5/4/20 I did change Ethan's name to Janus

It was April when it happened. The sun was out after the sky had been covered in clouds for almost a week. Thomas decided to let the cats play outside in his front yard, but he didn't take into account that rain plus dirt equals mud and a certain cat of his seems to be attracted to anything dirty.

This equation is there reason why Thomas had to call Joan and Talyn for back up because he had five cats covered in mud, some muddier than others. Remus and Virgil were by far the messiest, almost completely covered in the mixture while Roman and Logan were only slightly better than the other two and Janus was the cleanest other than Patton who didn't go outside.

"Okay, so first we can do Janus since he only has mud on his feet and face," Thomas said as the cats sat outside on the patio waiting to be let in.

Janus was cleaned rather quickly, being washed in the sink since they would save the tub for the other four. The calico tom took the bath without complaining, accepting his fate of getting wet and keeping his displeasure to himself.

Roman and Logan were next up, Logan being fine with the bath and actually seeming to enjoy it, smiling slightly and small purrs rumbling in his throat. Roman on the other hand was just wailing the entire time, screaming about how he didn't like how wet he was, or the water and soap, or how he was being held by the humans as he was washed by them. Everyone was relieved when Roman was done.

Finally were Remus and Virgil, who were the messiest out of the bunch. Several times, however, they had to stop Remus from licking the mud off himself or Virgil.

Virgil was first, but the second he touched the water the cat froze, his legs freezing in their places, his eyes blown wide and pupils dilated until they were just tiny dots, his head shrinking into his neck as he was washed. The three humans had to contain their giggles as they bathed the cat, the mud washing off his black fur and down the drain. Once done they bundled him in a towel and left him in the living room to wash Remus.

"Virgil you can move now," Janus said as Virgil remained swaddled in the towel.

Virgil didn't move, the only way they knew he heard them was his still dilated pupils shifting over to look at him.

Logan ended up jumping onto the couch with him and grooming the black cat's disheveled fur.

"YOU WILL NEVER CLEAN ME! VIVA LA MUD!!!" they heard Remus scream from the bathroom which most ignored.

About an hour later Thomas, Joan and Talyn came in with a wet and clean Remus who had a very grumpy face. He was set on the ground and slunk over to the others and started licking the water off of his pelt.

The dreaded day was over, the cats were clean, and the humans were tired.

Quick question; would anyone be interested in a warrior cats AU? I know the lovely and beautiful greyson_uwu has already started writing one and its amazing, but I have my own idea so would anyone read that?

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