Chapter Eighteen~ Long Way From Home (Pt6)

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Virgil and Remy were walking down the sidewalk with their tail's held high. Virgil was watching the fluffy white clouds drift by in the pale blue sky.

"So Remy, since you're the son of Titan who's your mother?" Virgil asked.

"She was a house cat like you and me. Her name was Queenie, she was a Ragdoll cat with warm, fluffy white fur and a brown face, legs and tail tip. Pale blue eyes similar to mine," Remy said, a nostalgic smile on his muzzle.

"Did you like her?" Virgil asked.

"She was fine. She loved me, but I had three other siblings, all she-cats. When we were old enough our first human gave us to some of their friends. See my mother was a show cat so when her human found out she was expecting an alley cat's kits they were conflicted," Remy explained.

"What's a show cat?" questioned the kit, tilting his head.

"It's a fancy cat that is taken to be shown with other fancy cats. Humans pet them and observe them before choosing who's the best. The winner gets a shinny metal podium and a blue toy they don't let you play with," Remy huffed, clearly salty.

"Must've been nice to have a mom. Do you visit?" Virgil said.

"I did for a bit, but she moved when I was four months old. I don't visit my siblings mainly because they don't really like me and that one of them moved away too," Remy said.

Virgil opened his mouth the speak but stopped when he heard loud barking from behind him. He whipped his head around to see a large, ratty brown dog running right at them. Remy screeched and bolted down the street with Virgil hot on his tail. The dog gave chase, following them at the ran down the sidewalk to a large human's plaything. A large tree stood near the construction, both Remy and Virgil racing up it and trembling on one of the branches.

The brown dog raced up to the tree, barking, snapping, snarling, and leaping up at them. Virgil looked over at Remy with a terrified expression.

"Who is that?!" he demanded, every fur on his pelt spiking up.

"That is what every cat around here calls a street dog. Most are docile and don't bother us, but this one makes it a game to kill as many as he can. The cats have nicknamed him Tooth for obvious reasons. We just have to wait him out," Remy's said, gripping the branch with his claws.

Virgil looked down to see the dog circling the tree, his teeth bared and drool falling from his jaws.

"Y-yeah. Probably for the best," Virgil muttered, clinging to the bark beneath him.

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