Chapter Twenty-Four~ Crack Shot (Pt2)

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Once again this is a crack shot and should not, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

"Okay, who thought it was a brilliant idea to give Virgil and Logan catnip?" Janus asked as he watched the two youngest cats go insane.

Virgil was on the fridge with his eyes the size of golf balls and jittering. Logan was laying on his back in the living room with his eyes huge as well. The dark grey tom had his legs sticking up above him and was vibrating with a huge grin.

"In my defense, they did ask for it," Remus said.

"That may be true, but-" started Patton, but was cut off by Virgil screaming.

"I'LL MURDER YOUR FAMILY!!! AND THEY'LL NEVER FIND THE BODIES!!!" the back tom screeched, leaping off the fridge and skittering over to Logan.

"I can see through time!" Logan said as he vibrated.

Patton and Janus looked over at Remus and Roman with unamused expressions.

"Alright. I get it. Don't give them catnip- where did Virgil go?" Remus asked, looking over to see Virgil had disappeared.

"He's going to fly," Logan sad with a drunken grin while looking up at the ceiling.

They all looked up to see Virgil on the banister, preparing to jump to the fan.

"OH MY GOD! VIRGIL DON'T! VIRGIL! VIRGIL GET OFF THE FAN!!!" screamed Janus as Virgil leaped.

These cats are weird, but we love them.

The project is almost done! Just has to be edited!

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