Chapter Thirty-One~ Vet Trip and Friend Support

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Thomas started to notice something was off with Virgil. The black cat seemed unusually tired, irritable, and motherly. Hell just a bit ago Virgil started to aggressively slap Remus on the face because he sneezed. His black cat also seemed to be gaining weight, which is extremely strange for Virgil was was a tentative eater and also normally very skinny and lean. By then Thomas decided to take Virgil to the vet, getting the black cat in his carrier and into the car.

The drive was short, arriving at the clinic in about ten minutes Thomas checked in and sat down in the waiting room, the carrier holding Virgil in his lap. While waiting Thomas let his eyes drift around, looking at the limited amount of patients in, only two dogs (a German Shepard and a small mixed breed), three cats excluding himself, and a child with a bunny (the bunny looking kinda fat).

"Virgil," a nurse called from the door and Thomas stood up.

The two walked into one of the rooms and the man set the carrier on the metal table.

"So what's been up with Virgil? His asthma hasn't been acting up has it?" asked the nurse who happened to be the one who cared for Virgil when he was a kitten.

"No, he's just been rather irritated lately, tired as well, and has been gaining some weight," said a Thomas, opening the carrier and slipping Virgil out.

The black cat looked around at the room, ears perked, but body low to the table.

"Alright, let's take a look at you Virgil," the nurse said, picking him up from underneath the arms and examined his eyes, ears, and nose, and checking his heartbeat and breathing.

"Well that's all clear. I'm going to take his temperature," the nurse said.

"Oh boy," breathed Thomas, know how much Virgil will detest this part.

Thomas held his cat close, Virgil rubbing his cheek against Thomas' chest, most likely smelling the fear he felt. The nurse got the thermometer and Thomas held Virgil still, despite him wanting to move. The nurse pushed the thermometer in, making Virgil hiss with displeasure. Temperature taken the nurse left to get the doctor who could diagnose him.

Thomas stroked Virgil's black back, the tom arching his back to have the strokes deepened. The cat purred, quickly forgiving Thomas and rubbing his face against Thomas' chest. The door opened and the vet who Thomas usually went to, Dr. Shire, walked in with a smile on their face.

"Okay Thomas, I've been updated on Virgil, but I'm going to need you two to come to the back with me," they said, keeping the door open for the two.

"Okay. What gender is it today?" Thomas asked while carrying his cat out the door.

"Genders are a social construct. None for today," Dr. Shire laughed, leading them down the hallway to an examination room.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to hold Virgil on his back and keep him calm while I get everything set up," they said, getting the wires and tools prepared.

Thomas did as he was told, flipping Virgil onto his back and gently cooing whenever the tom tried to flip back over. Dr. Shire got everything set up, turned on the machine behind Virgil's head and got two cords. They then put the cords that seemed to be scanners on Virgil's stomach, getting a surprised squeak from him. Shire moved the scanner around, blurry images appearing on the screen before the doctor stopped.

"There they are," they said, pointing to the screen.

"What are those?" Thomas asked worriedly, the shapes hard to make out.

"Kittens. Two of them by the looks of it," said the doctor, taking the scanner off Virgil and allowing him to flip over.

"Virgil is intersexual. He's a cat that has both male and female parts, so he can carry kits. And he is," explained the doctor.

"Oh. Okay then. Thank you doctor," Thomas said, picking Virgil up and walking to check out, but not before he grabbed the carrier and put Virgil back in it.

Thomas paid and they were back in the car. On the car ride home Thomas called Joan to talk about what to do now his cat was expecting two kittens, marking soon to be eleven cats in his house.

"Thomas you need to relax, just calm down," Joan said from the other line.

"I know. I don't want to get rid of some of the cats or Virgil's coming kittens. I'm sure Virgil will get attached, but I don't think I can handle eleven cats!" Thomas ranted.

"What about those three kittens the cats found? Could you part with them?" asked Joan.

"Yeah, but I don't know who would take them when there are already plenty of cats who need homes," sighed Thomas.

"Talyn and I could take them. We said we wanted to get another cat or two and they're familiar with us so they will be comfortable," they said.

"What about Tipsy and Spinner?" Thomas asked.

"Tipsy gets along with everyone and Spinner is only a little bit bigger than cats, he'll be out numbered," chuckled Joan.

Thomas chuckled as well then said, "Okay. How about you come over a Friday to pick them up?"

"Sounds good. See you then," they then hung up.

Thomas let out a sigh of relief before quickly glancing at Virgil who was curled up -asleep- in the carrier.

"It'll all be okay,"

Not Your Ordinary Family {Sanders Sides cat AU}Where stories live. Discover now