Chapter Done

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Janus laid curled up in the sunlight on the soft couch, Patton's fluffy tail laying on his flank as the grey tom lay curled up next to him. He looked around the living room, spotting all the other cats scattered about. Logan and Virgil were curled up together underneath the coffee table with Loki and Nico nuzzled up to Virgil's side while Roman and Remus were also on the couch, Remus laying on top of Roman. Janus let out a sigh of content, Patton perking up his ears.

"Something up Janus?" he asked.

"It's just... we've come so far from where this all began. We started out as you and me, two lost kittens trying to find a place in the world. Then we found others like us and made a family. After that we were brought here and our family only grew. So much has happened in the past two years that it's almost hard to believe they happened," said Janus.

"Yeah. We had our fun, with highs and lows. We made knew friends, found love, and even made new ones to share our lives with. And only in two years. I can't wait to see what we have in store next," Patton purred, rubbing his cheek against Janus' with a lovable smile.

"How about we just relax for now. Have some down time to prepare. It'd be nice to just relax," mumbled the calico.

"I guess you're right," Patton scooted closer to Janus, pressing his warm grey fur next to Janus' think black and gold pelt.

"We'll have more adventures, I promise. Just, not now," Janus said.

"Sounds good. After all, who'd want to leave this," mumbled Patton, rubbing his face into Janus' chest fur.

"No one," Janus answered, curling his thin tail around Patton's flank and resting his chin between the grey tom's ears.


So, I may have just ended this story....
Very abruptly.....
Sorry about that.

I just have other stories I want to focus on and this story has run its course, a very good one at that.

I would like to thank everyone who has read this story, is reading this story, or will read this story. This was the second story I ever wrote on this account and the first story to gain a large audience. Because of this story was able to meet many amazing, talented, and funny people. I hope you all stick around to read my other stories after this one. I have four other books still in the writing process which include:
"The Path We Follow"
"To the Stars and Back"
"Sanders Sides AU Ideas"
"Lightening and Shadows"

Other stories will be made in the future. I hope everyone enjoyed the little adventures of our cat bois and please enjoys the next twenty four hours.

Not Your Ordinary Family {Sanders Sides cat AU}Where stories live. Discover now