Chapter Seven~ Tell the World We're Going Home

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Before we start Imma be real with y'all and say that I love Joan and Talyn more than I love myself. They're some of the most beautiful people on this earth and I literally vibrated with my love for them while looking for the picture above.

Also Janus can understand humans. Why? Because I said so. My story, my rules.

Janus woke up when he heard the door open. He looked over, the Cone of Shame™ shifting with him as he stretched out to see who came in. Three humans approached, walking by the calico tom's cage over to Tipsy's who had also woken up and was mewing in excitement as the people walked over to her. They opened the vine barrier and she leaped into the human's arms, her purrs audible from where Janus was laying. The human held Tipsy close to them, shoving their face into her white fur, one of the other humans coming over to rap their arms around the first human and Tipsy.

The third human stood off to the side as the other two, simply watching for a little bit before glancing over at Janus. Janus started back both human and cat locked in a low key staring contest. The human ended it by walking up to the barrier and sticking one of his fingers between the vines. Janus leaned closer to sniff the finger, but the human suddenly started wiggling it underneath his chin, scratching the fur and making Janus practically melt against the barrier. He hadn't realized how much his chin itched until the human started scratching.

Janus purred loudly and moved his head closer to the human, inadvertently waking Virgil up from beside him. The kit shook his head and looked up at the human with tired eyes. The human's own eyes seemed to brighten at the sight of the kitten. Janus could see they were about to open the cage when one of the other two humans called out to them.

"Thomas I thought we came here to get Tipsy back, not play with hurt cats."

The human, who Janus assumed was Thomas, looked back over at them with a sheepish smile.

"I can't help it Joan, they're just too cute! Do you think they're up for adoption?" Thomas said, looking back at Janus and Virgil and wiggling his finger. Virgil's ears perked up and he stalked closer to the finger in curiosity, his body low and close to the ground as he crept forwards.

The shortest of the humans walked closer to the cage and looked in.

"They aren't wearing any collars. Maybe we can ask the from desk," they said.

"Sure! How's Tipsy?" asked Thomas who retracted his finger, much to Virgil's disappointment.

"Oh she's fine. Ready to go home too," the third and final human said, walking over with said white she-cat him his arms.

Tipsy looked very happy where she was resting. Purrs were making her body vibrate and she had a huge grin on her muzzle. She blinked her eyes open as she felt the human move and quickly mewed a farewell to Janus and Virgil.

"Bye you two! Hope I'll see you again some day!" she called and soon after the door closed.

"Papa where Tipsy go?" Virgil asked with round eyes.

"She's going home with her people. They came and got her and now they're going home," said Janus.

"Will we see her again?" questioned the black kit.

"Who knows? Perhaps we will, perhaps we won't. Now what do you want to do?" the calico tom said.

"Play!" Virgil squeaked.

Janus chuckled and agreed.

"Alright. Try to catch my tail," said Janus, raising, lowering, and flicking his thin, mostly black tail for Virgil to catch.

The kit squealed as he pounced forwards, batting his paws around to try and catch the elusive tail. This went on for a while, one of the humans coming in to give them food, water, and clean out their crate. Since their wasn't much for them to do they spent most of their time cuddling and snuggling, Virgil finding out how soft Janus' thick white chest fur was and quickly nestling into it any chance he got.

The pair were simply laying around their cage with Virgil curled up in Janus' dense chest floof when a human came in carrying a large, portable cage in their hand. They opened the barrier and reached a hand inside, grabbing Janus by the scruff and pulling him out of the cage. The tom let out a meow of protest, not wanting to leave Virgil behind, but it was ignored as he was gently set inside to portable crate. Less than a minute later a sleeping Virgil was place inside as well. The human then closed the vine door and lifted them up, carrying them out the door, through a hallway and into an open-ish area were other animals and humans were.

The carrier was placed on something a bit elevated, but Janus couldn't make out what exactly. He heard humans talking and the occasional clicking of dog nails in hard floor, but other than that he was completely in the dark as to what was going on. After a few minutes the carrier was lifted up and they started moving again, but Janus couldn't tell where they were going.

Janus heard a click or a pop noise and they were soon put on something solid. A human face then appeared, the same human who came in with Tipsy's owners. He was smiling lightly at them, his brown eyes looking like pools of honey as the sun's light reflected off of them.

"Hello again buddy. Hope you're okay with me adopting you and your kit. You don't have to worry about those other four cats you arrived with as well, I'm taking them too. You all seem to have a connection and who am I to break it," the human said, Janus rotating his ears to show the human he was listening.

"You two wait right here. I'll be back with your friends then we can go home," the human added before he disappeared and a thump was heard.

Janus didn't remember when the humans came back, or when they started to move as they were in a human monster, nor when they were brought into his new human's home. No, he didn't remember, because he had fallen asleep with Virgil curled up next to him.

Okay. So here's were the fun begins. I will now be taking requests from anyone and everyone. You can request for any of the cats to do anything while with their new owner Thomas. It could be a meme, it could be reenacting a vine or skit, it could even be a cat's reaction to an object! Just go wild and have fun with your ideas.

Not Your Ordinary Family {Sanders Sides cat AU}Where stories live. Discover now