Chapter Twenty-Two~ Peace Was Never an Option

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After spending five weeks healing from surgery Virgil was finally healed, though he did have a very slight limp. Because of this Thomas, who had almost seemed to attach himself to his cat, barely ever leaving him alone, decided to invite Joan and Talyn over so they can take three of his cats on a walk. Since Thomas had former barn cats they liked going outside, so he got color-coordinated cat harnesses and leashes for all of them so they can go on walks. Thomas walked Virgil while Talyn took Roman and Joan had Remus since the twins needed to get out to burn their relentless energy.

Thomas, Joan and Talyn took the cats to a park near Thomas's home where they walked along the path, occasionally being stopped by some kids wanting to pet the cats or a fan of Thomas. They were walking by a small pond that had some ducks and geese swimming in it when a white goose charged at them, honking angrily and flapping it's wings.

The humans skittered back along with Roman and Remus, but Thomas had dropped Virgil's purple leash from fright. Virgil's fight or fright instincts kicked in on fulled blast, making him arch his back and hiss at the goose. The bird stopped and honked at him, flapping its wings and glaring with beady black eyes. It took shuffling steps towards the humans a bit away to which Virgil stepped between them, using himself as a barrier from the goose. The goose honked aggressively, snapping its beak at Virgil. The back cat hissed back, unsheathing his claws and curling his lip back in a snarl.

The goose didn't back down, trying to find a way around the cat to the people. When it snapped too close for Virgil's likings Virgil raised a paw and rapidly smacked the goose on the bill and side of the face. The goose screeched and lunged at him, wings flared. Virgil sprang back then sprang forwards, tackling the bird around the neck and bring it to the ground. The cat scratched and clawed at the white feathered body until the bird ran back to the pond in fright.

Virgil snorted with triumph and turned around smugly, scrapping his hind paws on the dirt to add insult to injury. He then trotted over to Thomas with his tail and head held high. The human scooped him up and scratched his cheek, cooing and praising him. Virgil smiled and purred, pleased to protect his owner from the trigger bird.

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