Chapter Five~ Tipsy Around the Edges

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Janus woke up to find himself laying on soft material, with hard, cold, shiny stuff making up three walls around him, the roof and the floor. The last wall was made of shiny, thin vines woven together to create a cage of sorts. The tom lifted his head only to find something was around his neck. He looked over to see a round, milky looking thing circling his head and held to him by his neck. He could see find in front of him, but his side views were obscure by the object. The tom blinked, but immediately let out a hiss as he felt his left eye explode with a stinging pain. He quickly shut the eye and the pain dulled away.

Relieved Janus took this time to rise to his paws and look through the woven vines at the surrounding area. What he saw was a bunch of cages similar to his lined up in a row and columns. Some had inhabitants, some didn't, but almost all the inhabitants had something rapped around a body part whether it be a paw, their face, their tail or even their stomach. Some of the creatures even had the strange thing around their head like Janus.

One creature, who was a pure white cat, looked up at him with one bright yellow eye and one pale eye. They too had the thing around their neck along with a red collar and a bright blue material wrapped around their right front leg. They looked around the area before laying eyes on Janus.

"Hey you're up! Are you that wild cat the people brought with the tiny black kitten?" they said.

Janus nodded and felt his fur rise as he realized Virgil wasn't with him. He spun around the cage looking for the tiny kit. Unfortunately he was no where to be found.

"Wow, hey now. Calm down for a minute. What're flipping out about?" the cat asked.

"The kit?! We're is he?!" Janus demanded.

"Relax. The humans are taking care of him right now. The poor little scrap was on death's door when he arrived from smoke intoxication. He has to be in ICU so the people can be sure he makes it. Afterwards I'm sure they'll bring him right back here to you, don't you worry. Now, what's you're name?" the cat explained with a flick of their ear.

"I'm Janus. He/him pronouns," he said.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Tipsy. She/her pronouns. Now tell me Janus, what happened to your face and that poor little kit?" the newly aquatinted Tipsy asked while tilting her head.

"Well I used to live in a barn with my family until it caught on fire. I got burned after going back in to rescue Virgil, the kit, from the barn since he couldn't make it out himself. There are four other cats that came with me, do you know where they are?" Janus explained.

"If they didn't get injured then they're probably in the cat section of the shelter. If you're confused this place is a veterinary clinic which is like a healer for animals, and a shelter which is like a temporary home for animals until they're adopted. Don't you worry about your friends. They're fine, I'm sure of it," said Tipsy.

"Well why are you here?" Janus asked, sinking down to his paws and curling his tail around his body.

"Oh I fell from my tower at my human's place and snapped my leg. Got this fancy cast on now and the Cone of Shame™ on so I won't chew it off even if it itches like crazy!" the cat exclaimed.

"Oh so that's what this thing it. Why do I have it on?" asked Janus while pawing at the thing around his neck.

"Duh, because you have seven burn marks on the side of your face and the area over your eye was burned. They put the Cone of Shame™ on you so you won't scratch at it because trust me, once they start to heal they'll itch more than fleas!" said Tipsy.

Janus let out a dry chuckle, but trusted the she-cat is advice.

"So Janus, you said you lived out in the wild right?" Tipsy started.

The calico nodded.

"By any chance, did you run into some of those clan cats that live out in the woods?" she asked.

Janus lowered his ear at the question and looked down at his soft white paws.

"Oh I'm sorry if there's a personal thing going o-" Tipsy started but Janus cut her off.

"No it's not that. It's just that um, I used to be a clan cat," he admitted.

Tipsy's mismatched eyes widened and she bounced to her paws, keeping the one rapped up elevated .

"What clan were you in?!" she demanded.

"Oh uh, MarshClan," Janus answered.

"Did you ever meet a white tom appreciate named Foampaw?!" Tipsy squeaked.

"Yes. Yes! I met him several times at meetings, though he has his warrior name now. He's Foammist," said Janus.

Tipsy squealed with joy, bouncing up and down in her cage.

"That's my brother! That's my brother!" she kept repeating.

"Well I'm happy to let you know that he was doing great the last time I saw him. He had just received his warrior name just like me," chuckled Janus.

"Thank you Janus! Also, just curious, but what was your warrior name?" Tipsy asked.

"Oh, it was kind of stupid, but my name was Snaketongue," he said, feeling his pelt grow hot with embarrassment.

"Oh. Well that's something you don't hear every day," the she-cat snickered.

"Well it doesn't matter. I left shortly after, found some friends and made a comfy life in the barn until now," Janus dismissed.

Tipsy opened her mouth to stay something, but just as she did a door open.

Random question, but would anyone like to see more of Tipsy? Have her as a character or not? Anyone?

Random question, but would anyone like to see more of Tipsy? Have her as a character or not? Anyone?

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Not Your Ordinary Family {Sanders Sides cat AU}Where stories live. Discover now