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It was her birthday today and she was happy.Happy beyonds limits.Because the love of her life,Her Shivaay,was coming to her house with proposal.Yes,they both were in love with each other and they realized it after two months of chatting on social media.They both have met also because they are close family friends too.But they never come across each other often.

She loves him like anything.What about him?Do he really loves her?She was blushing while thinking about all this.Her mother knew that She loves Shivaay.Annika herself had told this to her mother.Her mother firstly got offended but gradually got convinced by her assurance.She was of the view that her daughter is very sensitive.What if he broke her heart?What if he was fake?However,Today Shivaay was coming to meet her mother.

Her heart started beating fastly,when she heard some voices from living room.Means he was there.Her heart started thumping fastly.She moved towards door and slightly opened it.He was sitting on the front couch.She kept her palm over her heart which skipped a beat.His lips were moving.He was talking to her mother.She blushed hard and listened to their talks.

"So betay what have you thougth about your marriage?" asked Avantika calmly.She was like this only.Polite,calm and very humble in nature.

Shivaay who had already seen Annika slightly chuckled looking at Avantika.

"Marriage?" He acted to be very innocent." I have'nt thought about my marriage yet." He said throwimg bomb on Annika.She looked shocked at Shivaay.Avantika also got confused.

Om,Shivaay's cousin brother,also got confused at his statement.He nudged Shivaay.Before he can speak anything, Om got phone call and he excused himself.

"Betay,I think you like someone?" said Avantika smilingly.

"haha,no Aunty.I don't like anyone." He said and looked at Annika through corner of his eyes.She stumbled at place.What he was saying?Annika felt like she will die at the spot.Shivaay smirked.

"Then,why do you chat with Annika?" Avantika asked offended.

"What do you mean?"he acted to be innocent.

"Don't act Shivaay.If you don't like her, then Why do you chat with her?Do you know she has told me you love her.And if I'm not wrong you came here with proposal only." asked Avantika fearing.

Shivaay shook his head in anger and laughed evilly.

"C'mon Aunty.I never told her that I love her.It is she who loves me.And I did'nt message her first ever.She did so.She is immature yet.She don't know the meaning of love.And maybe she has crush on me." said Shivaay and tears started rolling down Annika' cheek hearing his words.He was not her Shivaay.What has happened to him?

Avantika looked at him angrily.

" You and me both know how much mature she is.Don't you dare to contact her again.You can go now." said Avantika and left from there.

Annika sat on the floor numbly.Tears were continously rolling down her eyes.

Shivaay shook his head and started going from there.Om was standing in front of him in shock.Obviously,he had heard everything.

"What did you say?Are you mad?Do you know what rubbish you have spoken there?kya bakwas ki ha tunay ye?"Om asked holding his arm.

"I know what I have said.Let's go." Shivaay jerked away his hand.

" are joking right?Tell me you did drama.Let's go inside and clear it to Aunty you were just barking.Nothing has ruined yet.let's go inside." said Om dragging him inside but Shivay pushed him away angrily.

"It is'nt any drama.All happened according to my plan only." He shouted.

"What are you saying Shivaay?I know you love her.You love her right?"

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