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Annika parked the car and came inside. There was silence all over the mansion. She decided not to disturb Pinky because Kamini had lied that she was sleeping . Annika went to her room and sat on bed. Her sight fell on Shivaay's second laptop. She opened it and started checking the folders. There were files of office related. She sighed boringly.

Then her sight fell on the folder. She opened it but it asked for password.
She got surprised. Only this folder was locked.

She entered her name but it does' nt open. She started thinking again.

" D.a.r.l.i.n.g " she entered the password.

Suprisingly , it opened leaving her chuckled.

The folder opened and she found her own pics in it. She got more shocked. These were three years old pics but that were in Om's phone too. He must have taken from him. There were many pics of hers. Somewhere she is laughing , smiling and pouting. There were all the pics too which she had uploaded in instagram. Their wedding pics and their selfie which Shivaay had taken on their reception night.

Smile crept her face when she found the pic in which "my eternal love " was written. She became teary eyed. He loves her so much that he has saved her each memory. She closed the laptop happily. The clock was strucking eight in the night. She quickly got up and moved towards dressing room.

She brought out the shopping bag and opened it. It was the same dress Shivaay had gifted her and asked her to wear it then , when she will forgive him by heart. She moved towards mirror and checked herself. She smiled shyly.

She came out of dressing room and moved towards restoom after keeping the dress on bed.

When she came out after taking shower , the door was knocked. She moved to open the door.

" maa you could have called me. " she smiled and brought her inside.

Pinky smiled seeing her fresh.

" All boys and dad are out of station. Only you and me are left. Let's have dinner ? " she asked from her.

" Umm maa I'm not hungry. Shivaay will also come in some time. I will have with him. " she smiled.

Pinky looked at dress which was on bed.

" It's beautiful. Did you bring today ? " she asked.

" No maa actually. " she smiled nervously.

" Shivaay had gifted once. So decided to wear it today. " she bit her tongue.

Pinky smiled seeing her shyness.

" Are you happy na ? " she held her palm.

" Yes. " she looked down blushing.

" Aww , stay blessed. Evil eyes off. " she kissed on her forehead.

Annika nodded happily. Then Pinky left from there. Annika changed in the dress.

She was looking just like a fairy in that black dress which had fit her perfectly. Her arms were clearly visible due to net sleeves.

" But you can wear in front of me na. " as his words echoes in her ears she blushed hard.

After an effort of half an hour , she was ready. Her long hair were open. She applied dark red lipstick and wore tiny black diamonds tops matching to the black froq. Then she slid a beautiful ring in her finger and did light matching make up. She took a whole glance of herself.

She had got ready whole heartedly for the first in her life. Just for her husband. For her Shivaay. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Because she had forgiven him. She did'nt want any more barrier between them. She wants to live a normal life without any trouble and conflicts. She has kept her ego behind and want to start a normal life with Shivaay.

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