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Today was their reception. Annika was getting ready in her room with the help of beautician. Bhavya and Fari were accompanying her. Annika was sitting on the dressing chair surrounded by them.

"Annika, are you alright na? " asked Fari while setting her lehenga. Annika looked at both of them smilingly.

"I'm okay." She assured duo.

"So, what had Jiju said? " asked Bhavya.

Annika' facial expression changed as she remarked about Shivaay.

"Nothing in special. " she said uninterestingly.

Bhavya and Fari looked at each other.

"Annika,yesterday was your wedding night. " they reminded her.

Annika glared at both of them making them shut their mouth now.

Meanwhile, Gauri entered in the room light Pink gown. She passed smiled to trio.

"Bhaiya is waiting for you Bhabhi. Let's go Bhavya ,Fari. Only we are left." Gauri informed them.

On the other hand, Shivaay was standing leaning back to the car. He was looking damn handsome in that black three piece suit. When he found Annika coming towards him with Gauri,bhavya and Fari. She was wearing copper coloured froq with matching jewellery and heels. Shivaay kept on staring at her without blinking his eyes. Bhavya and Fari giggling seeing him gawking at Annika. But before Annika can look up at him he quickly got busy in his phone.

When Annika approached him,he opened the door for her and left towards driving seat.

As Annika settled down comfortably, Shivaay started the car and made his way to the venue. Om was going to drop Gauri,Bhavya and Fari.

During entire journey, they did'nt talk to each other. Annika was fidgeting with her fingers while Shivaay's whole concentration was on road.

When they reached the venue, Annika released a sigh. How will she face too much gathering while sitting beside this heartless man? She was busy in her thoughts when Shivaay opened the door of her side.

"Come ! " said Shivaay coldly , he forwarded his hand to her.

Annika gathered some courage and composed herself. She came out of the car holding his hand. When they reached the entrance , they were welcomed warmly. Media was clicking their pics. Youngsters were hooting. Annika's arms was wrapped around Shivaay's and photographer was clicking their photos.

After few seconds, they walked towards stage with all their glory. Dada jaan looked at them proudly as they sit on the couch.

They were surrounded by every family members. The big hall was crowded by guests. Annika's colleagues, Shivaay's business partners, his university fellows and all other relatives were invited. Everybody was congratulating both of them.

"Oh my mata, my kids are looking so beautiful. Perfectly made for each other. Evil eyes off !! " Pinky kissed their foreheads. Dada ji blessed them.
Shivika smiled.

Shivaay's uni fellows came to them,including Jennifer. Shivaay embraced with her casually but she was staring Annika keenly. She was indeed beautiful. But her eyes flickered in jealousy.

"You had been ignoring me for this girl SSO !! " she gritted her teeth. Shivaay was busy talking to his other friends.

Jennifer moved towards Annika.

"Congratulations Mrs.Shivaay Singh Oberoi. " said Jennifer to Annika. Annika passed a smile to her. But jennifer's smile was different. Annika got confused.

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