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When she woke up, she found herself embraced in Shivaay's arms. She got stunned finding herself in his arms. He was sleeping with slightly open mouth. Anger started building within her. How dare he hugged her? She tried to come out of grip but his hold was much tight. Her head was on his shoulder. She first looked at his pouty face and then at his shoulder. She bent there and bit him hard on his shoulder.

"Ahhhhhhh !!! " Shivaay opened his eyes with jerk screaming loudly out of immense pain. He found her staring af him angrily.

"Are you mad? You have bittenme dammit !!! " he shouted.

"Leave me right now. " she huffed in anger.

He looked at her angrily. Instead of releasing her, he tightened his grip and pulled her on his chest with a groan.

She landed on his chest abruptly, her long hair spread all over his well-built chest.

"Leaveee mee Shivaay !!! Ye kya batmeezi ha? " she screamed wriggling to free herself.

"Shhh keep quiet. " he warned her. "And konsi batmeezi? " he twisted her arm behind her back making her hiss. She for a second got scared seeing him angry. But soon, she composed herself.

"Who gave you permission to sleep here ? " she groaned.

"Do you think I need someone' permission to sleep here ? Or next to you ? " he raised his eye-brow.

Annika looked into his eyes jerking away his hand.

"I think we don't have any relation between us that you would sleep next to me. " she gritted.

Shivaay shook his head in anger.

" hmm, then why are you living here in my room, in my house? With which relation you are here ? " he cupped her mouth. Annika looked at him.

She opened her mouth to speak but she had'nt any answer. She remained silent.

" You know what? You won't be able to bear if I proved to you what 'kind' of relation we share. Hmm ? You are understanding na what I meant ! " he looked into her eyes intensly while carrassing her neck sensouly making her betroot red. She stole glances from him.

"L..eave me. " she stammered. Shivaay suppressed his smile.

"No, darling. Let me prove na so that you won't forget ever that who I'm to you. " he snaked his arm round her petite waist.

Annika's breath hitched as she lowered her eyes.

Meanwhile, they heard a knock on the door making Annika thanks to the saviour in her heart. Shivaay titled his head and stared at the door cursing the person. His hitler was almost under his control. He sighed and pecked the back of her palm making Annika glared at him.

He winked at her releasing her and walked towards door.

Two days later, after Omri's reception.

Everyone got back to their normal routine. Annika was engrossed in her studies all the time. Shivaay also did'nt trouble her much.

Day after tomorrow was Annika's exam. She took permission from Dada jaan for shifting to delhi in pretext of her exams.

When Shivaay returned home from office. When his mother informed him about Annika his mood spoilt. She did'nt even share him about her plan froget taking his permissiom. It angered him more.

He left for his room in bad mood. When he entered in, Annika was doing packing.

"You can take the exams from here also. " he initiated the conversation.

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