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Next day,

Today was their flight. After that they did'nt talk to each other. They were sitting in the plane. Flight was about to take off. Annika gulped. It's not that she is travelling for the first time but still she gets scared. She held the hem of shirt tightly closing her eyes.

Her ego was' nt allowing hoer to hold Shivaay's arm. Shivaay looked at her and realized her condition. He placed his palm over her hand as if assuring her. Annika looked at him and jerked away his hand. She looked to other side making Shivaay fumed.

In no time Annika slept, Shivaay was staring her. After staring at  her for long time, he leaned back to his seat when his eyes fell on the man who was staring at sleeping Annika.

Shivaay raised his eye-brow and looked at Annika. He placed her head on his shoulder,  snaked his arm round her waist and looked at the man with red eyes. The man quickly looked to other side in embarrassment. Shivaay carrassed her hair and lightly pecked there.

When the flight landed Shivaay had already awaken Annika. Soon, the formalities were finished. Shivaay's old  friend Zayn had come to pick them. HE had already booked an apartment for both of them. Zayn dropped them to the flat.

Shivika entered inside. It was a small yet luxurious and furnished flat with two bedrooms, an open kitchen and a small living area. Annika liked the place.

Shivaay kept the bags in one of the bedrooms and returned back to living room.

" Annika, get freshen up. Then we will have lunch. " he said to her.

Zayn had already arranged for their lunch. It was just needed to be dish out. Annika nodded and left for freshening up.

Shivaay went to other one.

When Annika returned after taking shower, Shivaay was arranging food on dinning table. Shivaay smiled at her and seated on his chair. Annika sat in front of him. They eat the food in silence.

After lunch, Annika went to her bedroom. Shivaay got busy with his laptop as he had to check mails. There were back to back meetings in two days, after that he was free. After getting free from his work , Shivaay went to their room and found her snoring cutely. Smile crept his face seeing her.

He kept the laptop on side table and moved towards her. Leaning onto her forehead, he pecked there softly. He checked time. There were two hours in his meeting. He moved to other side of bed, laid beside her.

She was his love. His first love. He may not admit it but only she was his love. He had always listened to his mind. And like always, his mind was still over powering his heart. But for how long? He has to admit it one or other day that he is insanely in love with her. He kept on staring at her and soon he slept.

After an hour, he woke up. He arranged his formal suit and went to take shower.

After sometime, he was found standing in front of mirror, setting his hair. By now, Annika also woke up. She sat on bed and rubbed her eyes. Shivaay looked at her through mirror.

"I'm going to office and return after about three hours. Lock the door from inside and if you felt hungry then don't wait for me. Otherwise, we will have dinner outside. Alright ? " he looked at her while  setting his tie.

"He is behaving as if we really have come to homeymoon. " she murmurred staring at him.

Shivaay smiled and turned around.

"Staring is rude, darling. I know, I'm looking handsome. " he winked at her.

"Huhh !! I was' nt staring and wesay bh you ar'nt much handsome. " she said rolling her eyes.

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